The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
Sources, imprimeur-lithographe
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1. imprimeur-lithographe
National Occupational Classification [electronic resource] = Classification nationale des professions [ressource électronique].
Canada. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada.
[Gatineau : Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences = Human Ressources and Skills Development Canada].
Mode of access: HRSDC's Web site. ; Title from title screen (viewed on May, 15th 2007). ; http://www23.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/2001/f/generic/shtml * 2016
Language Portal of Canada
Access a collection of Canadian resources on all aspects of English and French, including quizzes.
Writing tools
The Language Portal’s writing tools have a new look! Easy to consult, they give you access to a wealth of information that will help you write better in English and French.
Glossaries and vocabularies
Access Translation Bureau glossaries and vocabularies.
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