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Sources, machine improviser

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Number of sources: 3

1. machine improviser

McCormack, Jon et al. In a Silent Way: Communication Between AI and Improvising Musicians Beyond Sound. April 2019. Accessed: 2019-06-25. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332741454_In_a_Silent_Way_Communication_Between_AI_and_Improvising_Musicians_Beyond_Sound

2. machine improviser

Lee, Newton. Digital Da Vinci: Computers in Music. Springer, 2014, p. 152. Accessed: 2019-06-25. https://books.google.ca

3. machine improviser

Rowe, Robert. Machine Musicianship. The MIT Press, 2001, p. 278. Accessed: 2019-06-25. https://books.google.ca


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