La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

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Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

The rights or interests a person has in the thing he or she owns.


... In modern understanding, however, property has come to mean the thing itself to which certain ownership rights are attached. (Reilly, 1977, p. 338).


In its largest sense property signifies things and rights considered as having a money value, especially with reference to transfer or succession, and to their capacity of being injured. Property includes not only ownership, estates, and interests in corporeal things, but also rights such as trade marks, copyrights, patents, and rights "in personam" capable of transfer or transmission, such as debts. (Jowitt's, 2nd ed., 1977, p. 1447).


"Property" is a word of different meanings. It may mean a thing owned. ... It may mean ownership itself as when I speak of my "property" in my watch which may pass to the person to whom I sell the watch before I actually hand the watch over. ... Or it may even mean an interest in a thing less than ownership but nevertheless conferring certain rights, as when we speak of the "property" or "special property" of a bailee in the thing bailed. ... "Property" comprehends tangibles and intangibles, movables and immovables; it means a tangible thing (land or a chattel) itself, or rights in respect of that thing, or rights, such as a debt, in relation to which no tangible thing exists. (Crossley Vaines, 5th ed., 1973, p. 3).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

bien; propriété : termes normalisés par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


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