La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2024-06-20


Subject field(s)
  • Family Law (common law)
  • Social Problems
  • Sociology of the Family

The question presented in many parricide cases is the admissibility of expert testimony on battered child syndrome to aid in proving the defendant's claim of self-defense. Although battered child syndrome was originally developed as a physical diagnosis for victims of continuing child abuse, it currently includes an explanation of the psychological aspects as well. [...] One striking similarity between abused children and abused women is the failure of the child or woman to strike back at the abuser. In the case of the battered woman, this failure to strike out is attributed to learned helplessness resulting from her continued abuse. Such reasoning may readily be applied to the circumstances of the battered child as well. For a child, the feelings of lack of power or control over the situation are even greater than for a grown adult in such a situation. A child has minimal ability to leave home and permanently escape the abuse. This inability to escape results in increased fear and isolation. Often the child has been battered since a very young age and remembers no other type of existence.


  • Droit de la famille (common law)
  • Problèmes sociaux
  • Sociologie de la famille

syndrome de l'enfant battu; syndrome de l'enfant battue : désignations normalisées par le Comité de normalisation, Promotion de l'accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


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Fiche 2 1994-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Social Problems
  • Sociology of the Family
  • Criminology

battered child syndrome: Term introduced in 1962 by C. Henry Kempe, M.D., in the Journal of the American Medical Association in an article describing a combination of physical and other signs indicating that a child's internal and/or external injuries result from acts committed by a parent or caretaker. In some states, the battered child syndrome has been judicially recognized as an accepted medical diagnosis. Frequently this term is misused or misunderstood as the only type of child abuse and neglect.


  • Problèmes sociaux
  • Sociologie de la famille
  • Criminologie

O. Kempe, B. Steele et C. Pollock ont été les premiers à décrire le syndrome de l'enfant maltraité. Ils estiment que dans la majorité des cas, les carences d'apports physiques ou psychologiques sont associées aux gestes de violence. Ces carences ont pour origine l'insuffisance, la distorsion, et la discontinuité des interactions parents-enfants.


Les termes «child abuse syndrome» et «syndrome de l'enfant battu» ont été trouvés dans la base de données Pascal.


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