La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2017-10-26


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Geophysics
  • Geological Research and Exploration
  • Seismic Prospecting

The member of a seismograph crew who attends to the placement of the geophones.


Seismic Line Crew Helper. As a Line Crew Helper, Andre lays out and picks up seismic recording equipment for 2D and 3D land seismic data acquisition.


... the [seismic exploration] industry needs chainsaw buckers to help clear a path in forested areas, survey helpers to mark where the explosives and vibrators need to go, driller helpers to handle the explosives and help drill the shot hole for the explosives, and line crew helpers to lay the cable and sensors that will record the data. ... With as many as fifty line crew helpers needed on a crew, these juggies are the muscle on the team. Line crew helpers are often called recorder helpers because much of their work involves laying the electronic equipment and wires that record sounds coming from underground.


Helpers are inexperienced people in training positions on seismic crews. After they gain skills and experience, helpers may move to other positions on a crew. Recording helpers, often called jug hustlers, assist seismic observers. In preparation for recording activities, observers may require as many as twenty or more helpers to haul cables, geophones and other recording equipment, and place and connect recording equipment.


A Line Crew/Recorder Helper/ is responsible for the laying out and picking up of seismic recording equipment for the purposes of both 2D and 3D land seismic data acquisition. In preparation for recording activities, there may be as many as fifty or more helpers to lay out cables and plant geophones. The position involves working twelve to fourteen hours per day, walking six to 20 km on uneven terrain, carrying cables and geophones for pick-up or layout (up to 90lbs) ensuring quality control on lay-out and pick-up, participating actively in all company safety initiatives, following all helicopter safety protocol, and loading and unloading of seismic equipment from seismic line vehicles or helibags.


jug hustler; juggy: slang terms. The term «jug» is a synonym of «geophone».


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Géophysique
  • Recherches et prospections géologiques
  • Prospection sismique


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