La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

feu de trappeur [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2010-10-26


Subject field(s)
  • Parks and Botanical Gardens

Two logs or two parallel rows of rocks laid on the ground a few inches apart, with the fire between them and the pots resting on top of the logs or rocks.


Hunter-trapper fire. This is the all-around cooking fire without an equal. It has been so regarded since first the pioneer stepped foot on the American continent, and it is still the favourite today. Save for one thing--it takes wood aplenty, and in some places wood is becoming increasingly scarce. But there are variants and modifications for such a scarcity.


What are the advantages of the hunter-trapper? The side-logs confine the heat without exposing it to all outdoors, radiating it upward onto the utensils, and at the same time offer support for the pots without the trouble or erecting a lug-pole or crane ... When wood is scarce and side-logs are not to be found or it is not wise to burn them, stones may be substituted -- a row of large stones along each side, or many small ones built up to a height of five or six inches.


When stones are used the fire is often referred to as the "stone hunter-trapper fire".


  • Parcs et jardins botaniques

Feu de trappeur: après avoir fait le feu, dressez un support sur lequel mettre les poêles, les casseroles et les marmites. Ce feu comporte des rondins de bois ou des pierres de chaque côté pour servir d'appui et concentrer la chaleur. Le feu doit avoir une ouverture du côté où souffle le vent. Cela sert également à sécher les rondins de bois avant de les mettre sur le feu.


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