La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

humidité atmosphérique [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2012-02-03


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric Physics

Water as it occurs in various forms in the air.


Moisture in the atmosphere plays a greater role in weather and climate than any of the other constituents of the air. It is so significant that it is commonly considered separately from the remainder of the air by meteorologists. In one or more of its forms atmospheric moisture is a factor in cloudiness, visibility, precipitation, and humidity. By virtue of its ability to hold latent heat in its vapor and liquid forms, water is an important medium for the transfer of energy.


In meteorology, the term "moisture" is a general term referring to the water vapor content of the atmosphere. In climatology, it refers more specifically to quantities of precipitation.


humidity: generally, some measure of the water-vapor content of air.


atmospheric moisture: term standardized by ISO.


  • Physique de l'atmosphère

Quantité de vapeur d'eau contenue dans l'air.


humidité atmosphérique : terme normalisé par l'ISO.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Física de la atmósfera

Contenido de agua en la atmósfera.


La disciplina meteorológica a la cual incumbe la medición de la humedad atmosférica es la hidrometría.

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