La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1995-02-10


Subject field(s)
  • Group Dynamics
  • Human Behaviour

In general, by "dual relationship", it is presumed to mean that a professional, whether a psychologist or a coach, cannot easily and efficiently maintain two different kinds of relationships with the same patient (or athlete). For instance, a psychologist, who is a friend of the patient, cannot effectively maintain a dual relationship with his patient a) as a clinician and b) as caring person or a friend with emotions - at the same time. Inversely, the patient who is a friend of the clinician will likely make undue demands on his friend, e.g. asking for non-essential medication, but at the same time expecting the clinician to provide the best psychiatric care.


... As psychologists, we are expected to avoid dual relationships wherever possible ... Expected response: appreciation of the reality that this standard must be adapted in small centres where dual relationships cannot always be avoided ....


... The supervisor/trainer's ethical responsibility is to clearly delineate the purpose and structure of a given supervisory task, and then overtly negotiate a working relationship with the supervisee. When the possibility of a dual relationship is being considered, both supervisor and supervisee need to openly discuss the potential for dissonance and conflict in relation to factors such as role expectations, obligations, and power ... The sports psychologist/athletic coach dual role: advantages, difficulties, and ethical considerations ... The areas of conflict between both roles are addressed ... A main advantage of the dual relationship is the ability to fully understand both athletic demands and precise psychological needs. Difficulties include the limited time available for both roles, the excessive emotional involvement in athletic competition, and a lack of mutual trust ... personal dilemmas posed by being a parent and a resident in the community is related to the dual relationship provision of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists ... It is suggested that clinicians be aware of relevant law when working within a forensic context and refrain from having the dual relationship of therapist and forensic examiner ... [Source: PsycINFO database].


  • Dynamique des groupes
  • Comportement humain

Le tiers de la relation duelle et la transmission de l'analyse. [Source : base de données MEDLINE].


Termes connexes : relation médecin-malade, relation ami-malade, relation d'aide.


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