La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2003-08-18


Subject field(s)
  • Launching and Space Maneuvering

The Local Vertical Local Horizontal coordinate system is referenced to the near-circular orbital plane. In order to specify the attitude of the Station with respect to the Local Vertical Local Horizontal, a system based on Eulerian angles of roll, pitch and yaw is used.


The ISS [International Space Station] flies in an attitude that is referenced to the orbital plane of ISS using a set of local vertical/local-horizontal axes. The origin is at the ISS centre of mass, with the x-axis pointing along the direction of the orbital velocity vector (sometimes referred to as the "ram" direction). The z-axis points directly towards the Earth, and the y-axis parallel to the truss assembly ... This orientation is referred to as "x-axis toward the velocity vector" Torque Equilibrium Attitude and is the "normal" orientation of the ISS. The overall ISS design is optimised to fly in this attitude, which places the most laboratory modules in the "best" microgravity volume, supports attitude reboosts, service vehicle docking and minimises aerodynamic drag.


local vertical local horizontal; LVLH: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Lancement et manœuvres dans l'espace

local vertical local horizontal; LVLH : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


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