La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2010-07-20


Subject field(s)
  • Mathematical Geography

A point on the earth, the position of which is determined by triangulation.


The trig point - or triangulation point - was instrumental in this geodetic survey. They were workstations and reference points for the surveyor, who could attach his theodolite equipment to the fixtures and fittings within the column, including the three-pronged metal plate in the top of the trig point.


Triangulation stations are marked in a number of ways, such as by a tapering stone pillar on a hilltop.


Triangulation Station. - A trigonometrical station, triangulation pillar, trig beacon or trig point is a fixed surveying station for the geodetic surveying and other surveying projects on nearby areas. They are generally known as Trigonometrical stations in North America, trig points in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia and trig beacons in South Africa; triangulation pillar is the more formal term for the concrete columns found in the UK.


Trig pillars, or triangulation pillars in full, are concrete pillars usually (but not always) erected on hill or mountain summits. There are several thousand of them in Britain. They were erected by the Ordnance Survey (the government's mapmaking and surveying agency), mostly in the nineteenth century, as part of a painstaking survey of Britain, and they are the base of Britain's maps. Each of them represents a meticulously accurate position and elevation. In these days of aerial and satellite data they are falling into disuse but they are likely to be around for several hundred years yet.


triangulation station; trig point: terms and definition standardized by NATO.

  • trigonometric station
  • trigonometrical pillar
  • trigonometric beacon
  • trigonometrical beacon
  • triangulation beacon


  • Géographie mathématique

Point de la surface du globe terrestre, dont la position est déterminée par triangulation.


station de triangulation : terme en usage à Ressources naturelles Canada - Secteur des sciences de la Terre.


station de triangulation : terme et définition normalisés par l'OTAN.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Geografía matemática

Punto del terreno, cuyas coordenadas se determinan por triangulación.

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