La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

GAZ COUPAGE [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2009-10-15


Subject field(s)
  • Atomic Physics

When an ionizing particle enters the device, it collides with gas atoms and strikes electrons from their orbit around the nucleus of the gas atoms. In addition, an ionizing particle striking the outside of the tube can also knock electrons off the metal casing. In either case, these free electrons then are attracted to the positively charged central wire, gaining energy by the attraction. As they approach the wire they knock electrons off other atoms, creating an avalanche or cascade effect which results in a pulse of current large enough to be detected. A "quenching gas" is usually added to the filler gas so that these avalanches will dissipate over time and not continue indefinitely, which would cause inaccuracy or electronic failure.


  • Physique atomique

Un des constituants du mélange gazeux de remplissage d'un tube compteur de Geiger-Müller dont le rôle est de provoquer l'auto-extinction de la décharge [...]


[...] ce sont en général des vapeurs organiques.


Fiche conservée

Fiche 2 2008-11-18


Subject field(s)
  • Gas Industry
  • Radiological Physics (Theory and Application)

The radiation is measured by measuring the number of pulses per time unit coming from the tube, which is proportional to the intensity of the radiation to be measured. The quenching gas in the radiation detector tubes is quenching after the elapse of a certain period of time the ionic current. This time is called the dead time of the G-M tube, during which the tube is unable to react to a possibly, arriving new quantum of radiation.


  • Industrie du gaz
  • Physique radiologique et applications

Élément constitutif du mélange gazeux destiné au remplissage d'un tube compteur de Geiger-Müller, qui accélère l'auto-excitation de la décharge.


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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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