La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2006-03-18


Subject field(s)
  • Political Science
  • Translation (General)

The moment a statesman - i.e., a representative of the existing social order - is struck down, all the bourgeois parties, from "advanced" Radical to hide-bound Tory, hug each other and vie with each other in shrieking vilification on the one side and slobbery adulation on the other.


He was a zealous constituency member, though his private opinion of the social habits of some of his supporters might have been considered unduly severe by the most hide-bound Tory.


And it is noteworthy that the hidebound Tory was a staunch supporter of self-determination for the peoples of India, Ireland, and North America. This was not a break with conservatism; Burke simply felt that the same respect for liberty, as well as local tradition and custom, due British aristocracy was also due these peoples.

  • hide bound Tory


  • Sciences politiques
  • Traduction (Généralités)


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