La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1999-02-09


Subject field(s)
  • Electric Power Stations
  • Energy Transformation

A measure of generating station thermal efficiency, generally expressed in Btu per net kilowatt hour. It is computed by dividing the total Btu content of fuel burned for electric generation by the resulting net kilowatt hour generation.


In respect of a power plant, the heat consumption per kWh of current produced, [expressed by the following calculation:] heat supplied in fuel (MJ) divided by the energy generated (kWh).


In a large conventional power station with a thermal efficiency of 36 per cent, the heat rate is approximately 10 MJ. One kWh = 3.6 MJ.


The ratio of the energy content of the fuel used to the electrical energy produced over a given period; it can be referred to the electricity generated (gross) or the electricity supplied (net). The reciprocal of the heat rate expressed as a percentage is the thermal efficiency of the power station. In the case of the "heat rate" the units should be stated; in the case of the "thermal efficiency" the energy content of the fuel and the electrical energy produced must be expressed in the same unit.


  • Centrales électriques
  • Transformation de l'énergie

Quantité de combustible nécessaire pour produire 1 kWh d'électricité.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Centrales eléctricas
  • Transformación de la energía

Cociente entre el equivalente calorífico del combustible consumido y la cantidad de energía eléctrica producida en el intervalo o tiempo considerado. Lo mismo que la energía producida este consumo puede ser bruto o neto.

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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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