La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2005-12-06


Subject field(s)
  • The Sun (Astronomy)
  • The Moon (Astronomy)

The variation of the direction in space is a conical motion, with vertex at the center of mass, around a perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun, in which the earth and the axis of rotation move together with no change in the position of the axis within the earth. This motion is caused by the gravitational attractions of the sun and the moon. The axis describes a sinuous conical surface at an irregularly varying rate; the motion is, therefore, represented as the resultant of a steady progressive motion in a circular cone of angular opening about 47°, called the "lunisolar precession" ...


Equinoctial precession is a circular motion of Earth's rotational axis with respect to the "fixed" stars, also known as lunisolar precession. It is caused by the torque of the Sun and Moon on the Earth's rotational bulge.


  • Soleil (Astronomie)
  • Lune (Astronomie)

La précession, due à l'action du Soleil et de la Lune, s'appelle «précession luni-solaire».


lunisolaire : Cette graphie, puisée des Rectifications de l'orthographe recommandées par le Conseil supérieur de la langue française, est attestée dans le Petit Robert (2004).


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