La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

comportement d'évitement [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2009-08-12


Subject field(s)
  • Human Behaviour
  • Phraseology

Ambient behavior, or withdrawal, liable to increase distance between the subject and a goal (a physical object, a social partner or a situation).


Barriers on the way to the goal play a part in avoidance. The intensity of the avoidance behavior is a function of the distance to the goal (avoidance gradient). Avoidance can be a learned reaction to specific situations. It is also ... interpreted as an inner ego-protective process (Freud), as an inner process for removal of possibly threatening cognitive patterns, of specially tabooed words ... and for protection against painful and persistent stimulation ...

  • avoidance behaviour
  • aversive behaviour


  • Comportement humain
  • Phraséologie

Cette peur [angoisse d'anticipation] engendre fréquemment un comportement d'évitement, c'est-à-dire un refus de fréquenter à nouveau les mêmes endroits [il s'agit d'un agoraphobe].


faire disparaître le comportement d'évitement.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Comportamiento humano
  • Fraseología
Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 1993-01-14


Subject field(s)
  • Animal Behaviour

... aerial and ground surveys of the river indicated that the great majority of spawning and rearing habitats for ouananiche occurred upstream of the proposed site for the mill effluent discharge. The conclusion was that the effluent ... could ... prevent the adult fish from reaching their spawning areas through direct toxicity or through avoidance behaviour.


  • Comportement animal

Comportement dont la production par un individu l'empêche de recevoir un stimulus nocif.


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