La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

HANDICAP 0 [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 1996-01-03


Subject field(s)
  • Racquet Sports

Handicapping in tennis ... Known players are allotted a handicap annually that mirrors their competitive results. ... Points are awarded as either received or owed odds in each group of six games of a set, according to your standard of play. Players cannot be given a handicap greater than owe 50, or more than receive 40 ... For the purpose of matching the handicaps of different handicap players, handicaps are also graded above and below scratch (the handicap of 0), where. 1 owed or received equals a handicap of 1/6 of 15 owed or received. ... When both players are handicapped to receive points or both to owe points, they play on the difference of their respective handicaps. In the case of received odds the player with the less odds goes back to scratch (love) and in owed odds he goes forward to scratch. ... when players meet with handicaps on either side of scratch, two points owed are equal to one received....


In English, the term "scratch" can have two different meanings in tennis.


  • Sports de raquette

Au tennis, dans l'allocation des handicaps, point zéro à partir duquel on ajoute les points reçus (maximum : 40) et on retranche les points dus (maximum : 50).


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 1988-10-19


Subject field(s)
  • Sports (General)
  • Specialized Vocabulary and Phraseologism of Sports
  • Games and Competitions (Sports)

Good enough to compete at scratch in competition in which others are given handicaps.


a scratch golfer.


  • Sports (Généralités)
  • Vocabulaire spécialisé et phraséologie des sports
  • Jeux et compétitions (Sports)

Assez bon pour que dans une compétition où l'on accorde des handicaps, le sien soit de zéro.


Il faut éviter de dire «sans handicap» qui signifie «n'ayant pas participé à suffisamment de compétitions pour avoir un handicap».


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