La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

ballon-pilote [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2014-11-27


Subject field(s)
  • Public Relations

a project or scheme tentatively announced in order to test public opinion.


an experiment to see how a planned policy or program etc. will be received by the public.


  • Relations publiques

Expérience que l'on tente pour sonder les dispositions des gens, tâter l'opinion.


Idée que lance dans le public un écrivain, un politicien, pour pressentir l'accueil qui pourra être fait à quelque œuvre plus considérable sur la même matière.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2005-10-25


Subject field(s)
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment

Free balloon whose path while moving upwards is visually observed in order to measure upper winds.


One expedient method for determining the winds aloft entails the launching and tracking of a pilot balloon, also known as a pibal. The name for these balloons that do not carry instruments apparently came from their use during the 19th century when they were launched prior to manned balloon ascents to help guide or "pilot" the manned balloons. The brightly colored helium filled balloon rises at a known ascent rate. However, the balloon is carried horizontally with the wind. Since the assumption is made that the balloon serves as a tracer of the wind, the horizontal motion of the balloon over measured time intervals can be used to determine the wind speed. An observer visually tracks the motion of the balloon with an instrument called a theodolite and records the elevation and azimuth angles at timed intervals. The sequence of observed elevation and azimuth information are plotted on a plotting board to obtain the balloon motion. The wind speed and direction at each selected level are determined. Wind observations may be limited by low cloud ceilings that obscure the balloon.


pilot balloon: term standardized by ISO.


  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques

Ballon de petit diamètre, dont la trajectoire, observée depuis le sol à l'aide d'un théodolite ou d'un radar, indique la vitesse du vent et sa direction.


ballon pilote : terme normalisé par l'ISO.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Estaciones, instrumentos y equipos meteorológicos

Globo libre cuya trayectoria ascendente se observa visualmente para determinar los vientos en altitud.

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