La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.
CS-CNT [1 fiche]
Fiche 1 - données d’organisme interne 2013-11-25
Fiche 1, Anglais
Fiche 1, Subject field(s)
- Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
- Electronics and Informatics
- Medicine and Health
- Industries
Fiche 1, La vedette principale, Anglais
- cup-stacked carbon nanofiber 1, fiche 1, Anglais, cup%2Dstacked%20carbon%20nanofiber
Fiche 1, Les abréviations, Anglais
Fiche 1, Les synonymes, Anglais
- cup-stacked carbon nanotube 2, fiche 1, Anglais, cup%2Dstacked%20carbon%20nanotube
- cup-stack carbon nanotube 4, fiche 1, Anglais, cup%2Dstack%20carbon%20nanotube
- stacked-cup carbon nanofiber 5, fiche 1, Anglais, stacked%2Dcup%20carbon%20nanofiber
- stacked-cup carbon nanotube 7, fiche 1, Anglais, stacked%2Dcup%20carbon%20nanotube
Fiche 1, Justifications, Anglais
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A carbon nanotube composed of stacked truncated graphene nanocones. 4, fiche 1, Anglais, - cup%2Dstacked%20carbon%20nanofiber
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNTs) differ from other quasi-1D carbon structures, which normally behave as quasi-metallic conductors of electrons. CSCNTs exhibit semiconducting behaviors due to the stacking microstructure of graphene layers. 3, fiche 1, Anglais, - cup%2Dstacked%20carbon%20nanofiber
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 CONT
While carbon nanotubes (CNT) and carbon nanofibers (CNF) are both hollow, nanometer in scale, and produced in a similar manner, there are distinct differences which significantly impact their performance and ability to be processed. The primary differences between the materials are morphology, size, ease of processing, and price. Carbon nanofibers, also known as Stacked-Cup Carbon Nanotubes (SCCNT), have a unique morphology in that graphene planes are canted from the fiber axis, resulting in exposed edge planes on the interior and exterior surfaces of the fiber. CNTs, on the other hand, typically resemble an assembly of concentric cylinders of graphene. To illustrate the difference in morphology, Figure 1 ... shows a side by side comparison of A) multi-walled carbon nanotubes [MWCNT] and B) stacked-cup carbon nanotubes. ... Figure 1. A) Multi-wall CNTs are composed of concentric cylinders of graphene where the basal planes form an inert surface. B) The stacked-cup structure of CNF has exposed graphitic edge planes along its length, providing opportunities for chemical modification of the surface for covalent bonding directly with the matrix. 7, fiche 1, Anglais, - cup%2Dstacked%20carbon%20nanofiber
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
This is completely different from single-wall or multiwall carbon nanotubes in structure. The open top and bottom edges of truncated graphene nanocones appear on the inner and outer surfaces of the nanotube, respectively. 4, fiche 1, Anglais, - cup%2Dstacked%20carbon%20nanofiber
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 OBS
cup-stack carbon nanotube; cup-stacked carbon nanotube: terms describing specific types of carbon nanofibres and nanoplates. 8, fiche 1, Anglais, - cup%2Dstacked%20carbon%20nanofiber
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 3 OBS
cup-stack carbon nanotube; cup-stacked carbon nanotube: terms and definition standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 8, fiche 1, Anglais, - cup%2Dstacked%20carbon%20nanofiber
Fiche 1, Terme(s)-clé(s)
- cup-stacked carbon nanofibre
- cup-stack carbon nanofibre
- cup-stack carbon nanofiber
- cup-stacked CNF
- cup-stack CNF
- cupstacked carbon nanotube
- cupstack carbon nanotube
- cup-stacked CNT
- cup-stack CNT
- cupstacked carbon nanofiber
- cupstacked carbon nanofibre
- cupstack carbon nanofiber
- cupstack carbon nanofibre
- stacked-cup carbon nanofibre
Fiche 1, Français
Fiche 1, Domaine(s)
- Mathématiques, physique et sciences naturelles
- Électronique et informatique
- Médecine et santé
- Industries
Fiche 1, La vedette principale, Français
- nanotube de carbone de type «cup-stack»
1, fiche 1, Français, nanotube%20de%20carbone%20de%20type%20%C2%ABcup%2Dstack%C2%BB
nom masculin, normalisé
Fiche 1, Les abréviations, Français
Fiche 1, Les synonymes, Français
Fiche 1, Justifications, Français
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Nanotube de carbone composé de nanocônes de graphène tronqués et empilés les uns dans les autres. 1, fiche 1, Français, - nanotube%20de%20carbone%20de%20type%20%C2%ABcup%2Dstack%C2%BB
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
La structure de ce type de nanotube est complètement différente de celle de nanotubes de carbone simple paroi ou multi-parois. Les bords ouverts supérieur et inférieur des nanocônes de graphène tronqués apparaissent, respectivement, sur les surfaces intérieure et extérieure du nanotube. 1, fiche 1, Français, - nanotube%20de%20carbone%20de%20type%20%C2%ABcup%2Dstack%C2%BB
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 OBS
nanotube de carbone de type «cup-stack» : terme décrivant des types spécifiques de nanofibres et nanofeuillets carbonés. 2, fiche 1, Français, - nanotube%20de%20carbone%20de%20type%20%C2%ABcup%2Dstack%C2%BB
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 3 OBS
nanotube de carbone de type «cup-stack» : terme et définition normalisés par l'Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) 2, fiche 1, Français, - nanotube%20de%20carbone%20de%20type%20%C2%ABcup%2Dstack%C2%BB
Fiche 1, Terme(s)-clé(s)
- nanotube de carbone de type «cupstack»
Fiche 1, Espagnol
Fiche 1, Justifications, Espagnol
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