La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-05-16


Subject field(s)
  • Chemical Elements and Compounds
  • Food Industries
Universal entry(ies)
formule, voir observation
numéro du CAS

A chemical compound having the formula MgO which appears under the form of a noncombustible, white, alkaline powder, either light or heavy depending upon whether it is prepared by heating magnesium carbonate or the basic magnesium carbonate, is slightly soluble in water, soluble in acids and ammonium salt solutions, insoluble in alcohol, combines with water to form magnesium hydroxide, occurs naturally as the mineral periclase, is derived (1) by calcining magnesium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide, (2) by treating magnesium chloride with lime and heating or by heating it in air, (3) from seawater via the hydroxide, and is used as an inorganic rubber accelerator, a polycrystalline ceramic for aircraft windshields, in refractories, especially for steel furnace linings, for electrical insulation, in fertilizers, oxychloride and oxysulfate cements, paper manufacture, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, semiconductors, for the removal of sulfur dioxide from stack gases and as a feed additive and in the food industry (mainly for the deacidification of butter, cooa, and some canned or frozen foods).


Two forms are produced, one termed "Light," a fluffy material prepared by a relatively low-temperature dehydration of the hydroxide, the other termed "Heavy," a dense material made by high-temperature furnacing of the oxide after it has been formed from the carbonate or hydroxide.


Also known under a large number of commercial designations, among which: Akri-Mag; Anima; Granmag; Magchem 100; Magox; Magox 85; Marmag; Oxymag; seawater magnesia.


  • Éléments et composés chimiques
  • Industrie de l'alimentation
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
formule, voir observation
numéro du CAS

Poudre alcaline blanche utilisée principalement pour désacidifier le beurre, le cacao, certaines denrées en boîte ou congelées.


[On distingue notamment la] magnésie calcinée légère, ou magnésie française, et la magnésie calcinée lourde, ou magnésie anglaise [...]


Formule chimique : MgO


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Elementos y compuestos químicos
  • Industria alimentaria
Entrada(s) universal(es)
formule, voir observation
numéro du CAS
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