La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2012-06-12


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Administration (Indigenous Peoples)

In 1930, the Saskatchewan Treaty Protection Association was formed to protect the Treaty Rights of Indians in the Fort Qu'Appelle area. During the 1940's it became the Protective Association for Indians and their Treaties. In 1943, the Association of Indians of Saskatchewan became the largest organization in Saskatchewan. In 1946, a conference was convened by the Government of Saskatchewan at which 60 representatives of the Cree, Sioux, Saulteaux and Assiniboine Tribes of Saskatchewan discussed the feasibility of forming a single Indian organization. A resolution was passed favouring such establishment. Follow up meetings of Saskatchewan Indian leaders representing all Saskatchewan Bands were held at Duck Lake and Saskatoon. This resulted in the formation of the Union of Saskatchewan Indians. In 1957, a conference of Saskatchewan Chiefs and Councillors laid plans for a new organization. A second conference in 1958 resulted in the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians. By the late 1970's the swift pace of the political developments of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians (FSI) led to the drive for reorganization of the structure and Constitution of the Federation. On April 16, 1982, the Saskatchewan Chiefs agreed to form Canada's first Indian Legislative Assembly. The political convention they signed re-structured the FSI, so that the provincial governing body is no longer a non-profit society but a true federation of nations. Now known as the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, the Chiefs control the executive and administrative functions of government at the band, tribal council and provincial levels of Indian Government.

  • Saskatchewan Federation of Indian Nations


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Administration (Peuples Autochtones)

Il n'existe pas de traduction officielle en français pour ces appellations.


Fédération des nations indiennes de la Saskatchewan (FNIS) : nom et abréviation utilisés à la DSTM - Affaires indiennes.


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