La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1994-03-22


Subject field(s)
  • Psychometry and Psychotechnology
  • Statistics

[In one study] the parent holding the baby apparently could see the stimuli and, therefore, potentially influence the baby's behaviour ... It is essential in work of this type that both the holder and observer be "blind". Moreover, in the completed work, the test phase was designed so that recovery to novelty could not be distinguished from regression to the mean ... Babies in the seven groups that the applicants propose to compare are likely to be at different phases of habituation after 12 trials. As a consequence, it would be difficult to interpret any differences in their reaction to the novel stimulus presented ... Such differences could be due to differential reinforcing effectiveness of the stimulus ....


Use of baseline data for estimation of treatment effects in the presence of regression to the mean. We consider a regression to the mean problem with a very large sample for the first measurement and relatively small subsample for the second measurement, selected on the basis of the initial measurement ... Response to a cholesterol-lowering diet : efficacy is greater in hypercholesterolemic subjects even after adjustment for regression to the mean ... To define how much regression to the mean confounds apparent responsiveness in subgroup analyses, and to test, using techniques that remove regression to the mean ... data collected on 812 men and women participating in the Minnesota Coronary Survey Dietary Trial who had a least 2 total cholesterol and regression toward the mean on measurement of diet responsiveness ... [Source: PASCAL database].

  • regression toward the mean
  • regression towards the mean


  • Psychométrie et psychotechnique
  • Statistique

régression : Opération ayant pour objet de connaître la grandeur approximative d'un phénomène, qui correspond à la grandeur certaine d'un autre phénomène.


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