La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

FIELD SCHOOL [25 fiches]

Fiche 1 2022-10-28


Subject field(s)
  • Paper or Paperboard Goods
  • Scientific Research Equipment

A researcher keeps a field notebook as a record of observations made in the field. In some cases, those observations have been made with the intention of subjecting them to further analysis or interpretation after the fieldwork has been completed. ... In other cases, the aim may be to assemble a full record which can be used as a guide on a later visit to the same area.


field : An area or setting of practical activity or application outside an office, school, factory, or laboratory...

  • field note book


  • Objets en papier ou en carton
  • Matériel et équipement (Recherche scientifique)

terrain : Lieu où un scientifique exerce sa recherche dont il étudiera les résultats en laboratoire.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2019-11-04


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Library Science (General)

Canadian School Libraries(CSL) is a registered non-profit charitable organization dedicated to professional research and development in the field of the school library learning commons in Canada. CSL connects school library practitioners and educators across Canada in the collaborative pursuit of delivering exemplary practices reflective of current professional school library learning commons standards.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Bibliothéconomie (Généralités)


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2017-07-27


Subject field(s)
  • Organizations, Administrative Units and Committees
  • Occupational Training
  • Electronics and Informatics

[Its] mission is to inspire young people to pursue further studies and careers in the field of science, technology and engineering. [Its] vision is of a world which celebrates success in science, technology and engineering and in which young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes. [It pursues its] mission primarily through running robotics competitions for school-age students at the elementary, junior high school and senior high school level.


  • Organismes, unités administratives et comités
  • Orientation professionnelle
  • Électronique et informatique


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2016-03-07


Subject field(s)
  • Psychometry and Psychotechnology
  • Examinations and Competitions (Education)

A test designed to measure a person's knowledge, skills and understandings, in a given field taught in school, for example, a mathematics test or an English test.


  • Psychométrie et psychotechnique
  • Docimologie


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Psicometría y psicotécnica
  • Exámenes y oposiciones (Educación)
Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2013-03-13


Subject field(s)
  • Lexicology, Lexicography, Terminology

The set of terms related to a given subject field or discipline.


"Terminology" also applies to the terms introduced into or used in a subject field by an individual or group of individuals(as in Einstein's terminology or, in linguistics, the terminology of the School of Prague) ;however, this application is of secondary importance.


terminology: term officially approved by the Terminology Branch, Public Works and Government Services Canada.


terminology: term standardized by the International Organization for Standardization.


  • Lexicologie, lexicographie et terminologie

Ensemble des termes se rapportant à un domaine ou à une discipline.


Le mot «terminologie» désigne aussi l'ensemble des termes introduits ou employés dans un domaine par un individu ou un groupe de personnes (par exemple, la terminologie d'Einstein ou, en linguistique, la terminologie de l'École de Prague), mais cette acception n'a qu'une importance secondaire par rapport à la définition ci-dessus.


terminologie : terme uniformisé par la Direction de la terminologie, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Lexicología, lexicografía y terminología

Conjunto de voces técnicas pertenecientes a una ciencia o arte, actividad profesional, persona o grupo social.

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Fiche 6 2011-12-09


Subject field(s)
  • Course Titles (Armed Forces)
  • Military Training
  • Target Acquisition
Universal entry(ies)
code de profession

Specialty title pertaining to Occupational Specialty Qualification (OSQ) code 22.B6.


Possession of this specialty will enable personnel to : a. advise on the employment and deployment of target acquisition devices; b. instruct on radar employment and deployment and target acquisition at Field Artillery School; and c. advise on current US Army equipment and doctrines.


22.B6: occupational specialty qualification code.


  • Titres de cours (Forces armées)
  • Instruction du personnel militaire
  • Acquisition d'objectif
Entrée(s) universelle(s)
code de profession

Titre de spécialité relatif au code de qualification de spécialité (CQS) 22.B6.


La maîtrise de [cette] spécialité permet au personnel d'exécuter les tâches suivantes : a. donner des conseils sur l'utilisation et le déploiement des mécanismes d'acquisition d'objectifs; b. agir à titre d'instructeur en ce qui concerne l'utilisation et le déploiement des radars ainsi que l'acquisition d'objectifs à l'École de l'artillerie de campagne; et c. enfin, donner des conseils sur le matériel utilisé et les doctrines en vigueur au sein de l'Armée américaine à l'heure actuelle.


22.B6 : code de qualification de spécialiste.


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Fiche 7 2011-11-24


Subject field(s)
  • Educational Psychology

The study of methods of training and teaching and their effectiveness, and of the problems experienced in learning formal material; in particular, the study of how to help people, especially school children, with learning problems to overcome their difficulties.


Educational psychology. Theoretical and research branch of modern psychology, concerned with the learning processes and psychological problems associated with the teaching and training of students. The educational psychologist studies the cognitive development of students and the various factors involved in learning, including aptitude and learning measurement, the creative process, and the motivational forces that influence dynamics between students and teachers. Educational psychology is a partly experimental and partly applied branch of psychology, concerned with the optimization of learning. It differs from school psychology, which is an applied field that deals largely with problems in elementary and secondary school systems.


  • Psychologie scolaire

Étude fondamentale des problèmes reliés à l'enseignement, à la transmission générale du savoir et au développement des habiletés humaines en référant aux théories et méthodes psychologiques.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 2011-11-24


Subject field(s)
  • Educational Psychology

A field of psychology that applies principles in psychological assessment, consultation and intervention in order to address the emotional and learning needs of children and adolescents within the context of school settings.


Educational psychology is a partly experimental and partly applied branch of psychology, concerned with the optimization of learning. It differs from school psychology, which is an applied field that deals largely with problems in elementary and secondary school systems.


  • Psychologie scolaire

Application des connaissances et des techniques de la psychologie aux problèmes de l'identification et du classement des élèves selon leur capacité d'apprentissage et leurs divers problèmes psychologiques.


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 2011-11-09


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Hygiene and Health

The Adult Injury Management Network(AIMNet) at the University of Victoria has an established track record in the area of fall and fall-related injury prevention among older people. AIMNet is recognized as a national leader in the field of injury prevention. Partners : British Columbia Injury Research and Prevention Unit at the Centre for Community Health & Health Evaluation Research(Children's & Women's Health Centre of B. C.), the Institute on Health of the Elderly(University of Ottawa) and the School of Nutrition & Dietetics(Acadia University). The goal of this project is to reduce falls and fall-related injuries among residents of long-term care facilities in several pilot sites across Canada. The proposed model focuses on the determinants of health that put residents of care facilities at greatest risk of sustaining a fall and related injuries. Through the creation of networks of support and information, this project aims to strengthen the capacities of both the residents of these facilities and those who care for them. The project results include the publication of a paper in a scientific journal and presentations at national conferences such as the Canadian Association of Gerontology Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting.

  • AIMN


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Hygiène et santé

Le Réseau de gestion des traumatismes chez les adultes (RGTA) à l'Université de Victoria, est bien connu pour ses activités de prévention des chutes et des blessures liées aux chutes chez les aînés. Le RGTA est considéré comme un chef de file à l'échelle nationale dans le domaine de la prévention des blessures. Partenaires : La British Columbia Injury Research and Prevention Unit, au Centre for Community Health & Health Evaluation Research (Children's & Women's Health Centre of B.C.), l'Institute on Health of the Elderly (Université d'Ottawa) et la School of Nutrition & Dietetics (Université Acadia) Ce projet vise à réduire les chutes et les blessures liées aux chutes chez les résidents des établissements de soins de longue durée dans plusieurs régions pilotes du Canada. Le modèle proposé met l'accent sur les déterminants de la santé qui exposent les résidents des établissements de soins à un risque plus grand de chutes et de blessures connexes. Grâce à l'établissement de réseaux de soutien et d'information, ce projet permet de renforcer les capacités des résidents de ces établissements et des personnes qui les soignent. Parmi ces résultats, mentionnons la publication d'un rapport dans une revue scientifique et la présentation d'exposés à des conférences nationales comme la Rencontre scientifique et éducative annuelle de l'Association canadienne de gérontologie.


Conserver la fiche 9

Fiche 10 2011-10-03


Subject field(s)
  • International Bodies and Committees
  • Educational Institutions

What distinguishes the French School of Asian Studies(EFEO) is its emphasis on field research and training.... The EFEO's mission is to conduct research and graduate training in the humanities and social sciences applied to the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and East Asia(China, Japan, Korea). The institution's century-long engagement in Asia has contributed decisively to such fields as archaeology, monument conservation, cultural anthropology, religion, and the study of inscriptions and manuscripts.


  • Organismes et comités internationaux
  • Établissements d'enseignement

Ce qui distingue l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO), c'est l'accent mis sur la recherche et la formation sur le terrain. [...] La vocation de l'EFEO est de contribuer aux recherches de haut niveau et à la formation à la recherche dans les sciences humaines et sociales appliquées au sous-continent indien, à l'Asie du Sud-Est et à l'Asie orientale (Chine, Japon, Corée).


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organismos y comités internacionales
  • Establecimientos de enseñanza
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Fiche 11 2011-09-27


Subject field(s)
  • Various Military Titles

No English version :Field engineer school.


  • Appellations militaires diverses


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Fiche 12 2011-08-24


Subject field(s)
  • Various Military Titles
  • Military Administration

A request should be made to the BFC to contribute to provide funds for field trips and out of school activities.


  • Appellations militaires diverses
  • Administration militaire


Conserver la fiche 12

Fiche 13 2011-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • Track and Field

A long jump from a standing start.


Standing broad jump [is] similar to the long jump except that there is no run-up at all; contestants jump forward after only several swings of the arms.


The standing long jump is often included in school field meets.


  • Athlétisme

Le saut en longueur se divise en deux disciplines séparées : Saut en longueur sans élan [et] saut en longueur avec élan. Le saut en longueur avec élan est une discipline plus avancée que le saut en longueur sans élan.


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Fiche 14 2010-07-28


Subject field(s)
  • National Bodies and Committees (Canadian)
  • Engineering

The Canadian Aboriginal Science and Engineering Association is a private, non-profit organization, which seeks to significantly increase the number of Aboriginal scientists and engineers in the nation and to develop technologically informed leasers within the Aboriginal community. CASEA's ultimate goal is to be catalyst for the advancement of Aboriginal peoples as they seek to become self-reliant and self-determined members of society. CESEA in partnership with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society begins working as early as elementary school through the development of science and math camps, teacher training and mentor ship programs to strengthen Aboriginal students’ educational background in math and science, and to prepare them for the academic pressures of post-secondary school life. At the college and university levels, scholarships will be developed and sought from corporate sponsors. Recruiting opportunities to further prepare Aboriginal students for successful science and engineering careers will be available through the CASEA contact network. Each CASEA student is asked to give back to the Aboriginal community after graduation; thus CASEA students become more than professionals in the technology field, they become architects of a new destiny for Aboriginal peoples.


  • Organismes et comités nationaux canadiens
  • Ingénierie


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Fiche 15 2007-10-17


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of International Programs
  • Employment Benefits

Certified Employee Benefit Specialist(CEBS) Program was established in 1977 through a partnership of the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The International Foundation, the largest educational organization in the employee benefits field, is responsible for the overall administration of the program. The Wharton School, one of the preeminent business schools in the U. S., oversees academic content and standards. In 1986, in cooperation with Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, the International Foundation established a CEBS program in Canada to meet the specific professional development needs of Canadian employee benefits personnel. No other employee benefits or compensation program provides the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight through such a broad university-based curriculum.


  • Titres de programmes internationaux
  • Avantages sociaux

Comme il s'agit d'une appellation américaine, elle reste telle quelle en français.Certificat que peuvent obtenir les conseillers à la Direction des pensions de retraite.


Conserver la fiche 15

Fiche 16 2006-10-04


Subject field(s)
  • Educational Psychology

observation that memory for incomplete tasks is greater than for completed ones; believed to be related to gestalt principle of closure.


Bluma Zeigarnik collaborated in 1927 with Kurt Lewin on research regarding incomplete tasks. Lewin, a German-American social psychologist of the Gestalt school, became known for his development of field theories in personality and social psychology and for his group dynamics research.


  • Psychologie scolaire

Phénomène remarqué par Bluma Zeigarnik : l'inachèvement ou l'échec d'une tâche conduit le sujet à une tension de frustration telle qu'il se souvient plus longtemps de ses échecs que de ses succès, de cette situation inachevée que des situations satisfaisantes.


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Fiche 17 2006-05-04


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Special Education
  • Non-Surgical Treatment

As a member of the Association of the Traditional Osteopathic Colleges of Canada(ATOCC), the mission of the Canadian College of Osteopathy(CCO) is to provide high quality education to qualified students who wish to enter the field of Traditional Osteopathy. Under the guidance of the College's founder, Philippe Druelle, DO, the students of the CCO receive a well-rounded academic education in Traditional Osteopathy through small class sizes, personal attention and a progressive curriculum. The Canadian College of Osteopathy has built its leading-edge program on the foundation provided by its parent school, the College of Osteopathic Studies(le Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques) of Montreal, established in 1981. Established in 1991, the CCO prides itself on a progressive curriculum that both honours and preserves Traditional Osteopathic Practice.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Éducation spéciale
  • Traitements non chirurgicaux


Conserver la fiche 17

Fiche 18 2005-06-28


Subject field(s)
  • Training of Personnel
  • Internet and Telematics
  • Education Theory and Methods

In the third field, student participate in ED 320, a simulation of a professional group decision-making task, which is videotaped. The task integrates curriculum design with social interaction and effective citizenship abilities through the analysis of a critical issue in education. Topics of the assessment vary; they have included a group interaction simulation in which they are to adopt the role of teachers considering the implications of the Gender Equity in Education Act for a school district, the design of a multicultural course for suburban teachers involved in Milwaukee's Chapter 220 busing of minority students to suburban schools and the determination of a district's guidelines for curriculum related to the quincentenary of Columbus's voyage to the "new world. "


  • Perfectionnement et formation du personnel
  • Internet et télématique
  • Théories et méthodes pédagogiques

Avec l'implantation à l'automne 2001 d'un nouveau programme de formation, nous allons procéder à la sélection des élèves à partir de leurs résultats scolaires, d'un test écrit ainsi que d'une mise en situation de groupe.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Capacitación del personal
  • Internet y telemática
  • Teorías y métodos pedagógicos
Conserver la fiche 18

Fiche 19 2005-02-18


Subject field(s)
  • Educational Institutions
  • Education Theory and Methods

An extended field trip is one that requires a student to be away from home overnight. Extended field trips may involve national or international travel.


Evaluation of Extended [Field] Trips. Sponsors are responsible for planning appropriate evaluation of all extended excursions.


A School wishing to undertake planning for an extended field trip/excursion involving provincial or national travelmust complete an “Extended Excursion-Notice of Intent” form.


  • Établissements d'enseignement
  • Théories et méthodes pédagogiques

Toute activité qui a lieu en dehors de la propriété de l'école constitue une sortie éducative. Une telle sortie peut se dérouler aux niveaux local, régional, provincial ou international. Une sortie éducative peut être d'une durée d'une journée ou moins, d'une nuit ou plus.


[Le] terme de "classe transplantée" est un terme générique recouvrant plusieurs réalités. Seul point commun : la classe est pour un temps court transportée hors de l'école, et le séjour nécessite le logement des élèves hors de la structure familiale.


sortie éducative : En français, il n'existe pas de distinction quant à la durée de l'activité; «sortie éducative» désigne à la fois une activité courte (de 15 minutes, d'une demi-journée, d'une journée) et une activité prolongée (plusieurs jours ou davantage).


classe transplantée : Terme associé au système d'éducation français.


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Fiche 20 2004-06-22


Subject field(s)
  • Prepared Dishes (Cooking)
  • Commercial Practice (Restaurants)

Take-away meals will be allowed only under limited circumstances. You may request a take-away meal if you are sick and have a note from USP Nursing Sisteror Student Housing Officer requesting it. If you are going to be away on a field trip or school assignment you must bring along a letter stating dates and times of the outing at least 24 hours in advance for your take-away meals to be prepared.


  • Plats cuisinés
  • Exploitation commerciale (Restauration)

Notre magasin est situé au centre ville de Pierrelatte (Drôme), face à la Mairie. Nous vous proposons chaque jour en boutique nos repas à emporter et sur commande nos différents menus à emporter pour mariage et réceptions.


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Fiche 21 2002-03-01


Subject field(s)
  • Interior Decorations
  • Paints and Varnishes (Industries)

Laurentide introduces Mascarade Glaze from its all-new Illusio faux finish product line. This 100% acrylic latex translucent glaze finish creates outstanding faux finish effects, which add depth, interest and elegance to your interiors. ... specially formulated to provide extended drying time, which facilitates a wide range of versatile faux finishing techniques to help you create some of today’s hottest decorating looks. [Examples of] Glaze Faux-finishing Techniques: Patina Finish (synthetic sponge); Granite Finish (natural sea sponge); Marblesque Finish (Rag); Antique Finish (Brush); Stripes, Leather-like Finish.


Welcome to The Faux Finish School. The Internet's first and most attended faux finishing program in the world!... We hope this site will assist you in finding the information you desire to achieve your goals in the wonderful field of faux finishing and decorative painting.

  • faux-finishing
  • faux-finish
  • faux-painting


  • Décoration intérieure
  • Peintures et vernis (Industries)

Le Glacis Mascarade de la gamme de produits pour faux-finis Illusio de Laurentide est un liant au latex 100 % acrylique, translucide, qui permet de créer des effets visuels remarquables, ajoutant profondeur et élégance à une pièce. [...] Mascarade est conçu pour [vous permettre d'] obtenir un temps de séchage allongé qui facilite l'exécution des techniques de faux-finis, très populaires en décoration [...]. [Exemples de] techniques de faux-finis avec glacis : effet patine (éponge douce); effet granite (éponge de mer); effet marbré (chiffon roulé); effet antique (pinceau brosse); effet cuir, technique des rayures.


Ce cours [intitulé «Les Faux-finis»] vous apprendra des techniques simples pour accomplir plus de quinze faux-finis. Il traitera des techniques au glacis, craquelures, sous-couches, patines, effets à l'éponge, marbre, usure, impressions, grattage, empâtement, polissage et bien d'autres au gré de votre imagination.

  • faux-finis
  • faux fini
  • faux finis


Conserver la fiche 21

Fiche 22 2001-10-22


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees

The OEBM was federally incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1998. The EOBM is the only independent, full-service natural history museum in the province, with a focus on exhibits, collections and research. It has also become a leader in biodiversity education in Eastern Ontario, through school and public programmes, field outings, and publications.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé


Conserver la fiche 22

Fiche 23 1996-11-20


Subject field(s)
  • Language (General)

By no means did the Prague school restrict itself to phonology. Indeed, Roman Jakobson and his colleagues were driven by a lust to write about nearly every aspect of language, from phonology to poetry, and about a large band of languages as well. Invading the field of psychology, Jakobson(1941) sought to apply his interest in sound laws to a wide variety of populations. He discerned a sequence of sound development in normal children, one that follows what he called the law of maximal contrast; and he went on to demonstrate that this developmental progression is reversed in an orderly way as a result of damage to the human brain. Jakobson showed, furthermore, that the same kinds of contrast that had worked for the description of phonology could also be applied to choices made at other linguistic levels, ranging from syntax to pragmatics. And in a fertile methodological contribution, Jakobson pointed out that most linguistic contrasts are not equivalent or reversible.


  • Linguistique (Généralités)


Conserver la fiche 23

Fiche 24 1994-01-12


Subject field(s)
  • Heritage

Source : PASCAL database... There has been a resurgence of a universalist social-political philosophy, Pan-Indianism, that had as its precursor the cultural-political category of phratry... current trends toward Pan-Indianism are reflected in the recent tendency toward articles dealing with American Indian social problems... all Native American tribes are equally involved in Pan-Indianism. Observation through field work of intertribal interaction in Los Angeles reveals that Navajo have very little representation in such activities and tend to form enclaves, being especially hostile to Sioux... Pan-Indianism sentiment... For several decades now scholarly concern with native Americans has reflected an interest in Pan-Indianism. Perhaps one of the most important institutional settings fostering Pan-Indianism has been the federal boarding school... reconciliation between Pan-Indianism and Catholicism....


  • Patrimoine

Par inférence : panaméricanisme et amérindianisme.


Conserver la fiche 24

Fiche 25 1986-12-03


Subject field(s)
  • Epidemiology
  • School and School-Related Administration

From a public health standpoint, the health unit plans to circulate this report to the area school boards and encourage the teachers to inform the unit in advance of any such field trips so that the inspectors can make a pre-visit inspection and make any necessary recommendations.


  • Épidémiologie
  • Administration scolaire et parascolaire

L'unité sanitaire intéressée compte communiquer le rapport de cette flambée aux conseils scolaires de la région et inviter les enseignants qui songent à faire de telles sorties en groupe à l'en aviser afin que des inspecteurs puissent visiter les lieux au préalable.


Rapport hebdomadaire des maladies au Canada.


Conserver la fiche 25

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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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