La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2000-03-16


Subject field(s)
  • Air Navigation Aids
  • Aircraft Piloting and Navigation

The Electronic Flight Display System(EFDS) is an updated version of the Flight Display System(FDS). It is defined as the flight instrument, associated controls, and its interface to the aircraft, and is designed to provide the pilot, co-pilot, or Navigation/Communication(NAV/COMM) Officer with a comprehensive, unambiguous presentation of navigation information adequate for both worldwide tactical and non-tactical navigation. The display unit uses a flat panel domestic Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display(AMLCD). The FDS functionally replaces the P-3 electro-mechanical Horizontal Situation Indicator(ID-1540/A), electro-mechanical Flight Director Indicators(FDI)(ID-1556), selected functions of the Navigation Availability Advisory Lights, and integrates GPS navigation with the flight instruments. Additional information such as navigational aid waypoint locations, GPS annunciation, and FDS status pages are also displayed.


Collins Avionics... EFD-74... Electronic flight display used in EHSI-74 electronic HSI system.


Key components of the tripple-redundant system included ... Smiths Industries electronic flight and engine displays.

  • EED system


  • Aides à la navigation aérienne
  • Pilotage et navigation aérienne

Avionique [...] EFIS Collins Pro Line 4 à six écrans. Système d'affichage des paramètres réacteurs, de mise en garde et d'alarme à deux écrans (EICAS). Double système de gestion de vol 4200.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2000-03-06


Subject field(s)
  • Air Navigation Aids
  • Aircraft Piloting and Navigation

The Electronic Flight Display System(EFDS) is an updated version of the Flight Display System(FDS). It is defined as the flight instrument, associated controls, and its interface to the aircraft, and is designed to provide the pilot, co-pilot, or Navigation/Communication(NAV/COMM) Officer with a comprehensive, unambiguous presentation of navigation information adequate for both worldwide tactical and non-tactical navigation. The display unit uses a flat panel domestic Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display(AMLCD). The FDS functionally replaces the P-3 electro-mechanical Horizontal Situation Indicator(ID-1540/A), electro-mechanical Flight Director Indicators(FDI)(ID-1556), selected functions of the Navigation Availability Advisory Lights, and integrates GPS navigation with the flight instruments. Additional information such as navigational aid waypoint locations, GPS annunciation, and FDS status pages are also displayed.


Collins Avionics... EFD-74... Electronic flight display used in EHSI-74 electronic HSI system.


Key components of the tripple-redundant system included ... Smiths Industries electronic flight and engine displays.

  • EFD system


  • Aides à la navigation aérienne
  • Pilotage et navigation aérienne

Avionique [...] EFIS Collins Pro Line 4 à six écrans. Système d'affichage des paramètres réacteurs, de mise en garde et d'alarme à deux écrans (EICAS). Double système de gestion de vol 4200.

  • système d'affichage électronique des paramètre de vol
  • système d'affichage électronique des données de vol


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 1982-10-20


Subject field(s)
  • Aeroindustry

On the left centre of the [F’ 155] panel is a Tactical Situation Display with an electronically-generated moving map for navigation, orientation and the display of threat locations and status and sensor management information.


  • Constructions aéronautiques

Au centre gauche de son tableau de bord, se trouve l'écran de situation tactique où défile électroniquement une carte servant à la navigation et à l'affichage de la position et de la nature des menaces, ainsi que des données fournies par les divers détecteurs.


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 1980-08-12


Subject field(s)
  • Aircraft Piloting and Navigation

The Copilot's HSI [horizontal situation indicator] control permits the Copilot to select certain navigational submodes for display on his HSI, or to monitor the navigational or tactical situation set by the Pilot.


  • Pilotage et navigation aérienne

Le code de source complet est MEN-262,1967,5,34-30-05,205


Conserver la fiche 4

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