La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

CORE RACK [8 fiches]

Fiche 1 2017-04-13


Subject field(s)
  • Nuclear Fission Reactors

Example of JHR [Jules Horowitz reactor] core design under investigation... Hexagonal shape, 3x8 plates fuel elements, 37-holes core rack of regular lattice fetched in circular tank, 34 fuel elements in core rack, 2 fuel elements out of rack cooled by derivation of primary coolant...


  • Réacteurs nucléaires de fission

[réacteur Jules Horowitz] Le cœur compact est composé de 46 éléments combustibles [...] placés dans un caisson/casier constitué d'un bloc en alliage aluminium percé d'alvéoles cylindriques.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2003-12-22


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations
  • Research Experiments in Space

The MSRR-1 will initially accommodate two Experiment Modules and provide dual operations capability ... This Experiment Module named the Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) will be capable of processing samples in a variety of insert furnaces developed by both partners. Future planning is in progress to include inserts developed by other participating agencies.


The first Materials Science Research Rack... will occupy the right half of the rack. The European Space Agency will provide the core for the EM [Experiment Module] which will house five insert modules. NASA and ESA [European Space Agency] each will provide two inserts, and the German Space Agency(DLR) will provide a fifth. Each of the five inserts will be a furnace to process materials in different ways, such as directional solidification-melting and freezing a sample from one end to the other-or quenching a sample quickly to "freeze" its condition. The German insert will be a special furnace that uses a rotating magnetic field to control flows within the molten samples. The left half of the rack will be occupied for nine months by equipment from NASA's Space Products Development Division, then be made available to microgravity science researchers.


first materials science research rack; MSRR-1: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).

  • first material sciences research rack
  • materials science research rack-1
  • material sciences research rack 1
  • material sciences research rack-1
  • material sciences rack 1
  • materials science rack-1
  • material science rack 1


  • Stations orbitales
  • Travaux de recherche dans l'espace

premier bâti de recherche en science des matériaux; MSRR-1 : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2003-09-12


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

The MIM Base Unit will be the core element of a series of Canadian facilities that will be used to support microgravity research experiments on the ISS [International Space Station] in disciplines such as materials science, fluid physics, combustion science, biotechnology and fundamental physics. The MIM Base Unit will isolate the scientific payloads from relatively high vibration levels expected on the ISS. In addition, the MIM Base Unit will provide all basic interfaces between scientific payloads and the ISS EXPRESS Rack and will monitor the vibration environment experienced by such payload.


microgravity isolation mount base unit; MIM base unit; MIMBU: terms and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Stations orbitales

La Base MIM constituera l'élément central d'un ensemble d'installations canadiennes qui serviront à appuyer des expériences de recherche en microgravité à bord de l'ISS [International Space Station] dans des disciplines comme les sciences des matériaux et de la combustion, la physique des fluides, la biotechnologie et la physique fondamentale. La Base MIM isolera les charges utiles scientifiques des niveaux de vibration relativement élevés attendus à bord de l'ISS. De plus, elle fournira toutes les interfaces de base entre les charges utiles scientifiques et le bâti EXPRESS de l'ISS, et elle contrôlera les vibrations auxquelles ces charges utiles sont soumises.


socle-support d'isolation contre les vibrations en microgravité; base MIM; MIMBU : termes et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2003-09-12


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

[The] MVIS(Microgravity Vibration Isolation Subsystem)... consists of a distributed set of large gap Lorentz force actuators, with permanent magnets mounted on the FCE [Facility Core Element] and voice coils attached to the ISPR [International Standard Payload Rack]. Three accelerometer assemblies are also mounted on the FCE, housing three accelerometers each. This allows determination of both the linear accelerations and the rotational acceleration of the FCE, and allows for up to three levels of redundancy. There are four Light Emitting Diodes(LEDs) mounted on the FCE with collimated beams directed at four two dimensional Position Sensing Devices(PSDs) mounted on the ISPR. This allows for tracking the position and orientation of the FCE with respect to the ISPR.


microgravity vibration isolation subsystem; MVIS: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Stations orbitales

Le Sous-système d'isolation contre les vibrations en microgravité (MVIS) [...] est basé sur un système de lévitation magnétique à six degrés de liberté. En raison des dimensions imposantes du FCE [Facility Core Element], les actionneurs Lorenz, les détecteurs de position et les accéléromètres utilisés pour le système MVIS ont été distribués tout autour du FCE. MVIS comprend un ensemble réparti d'actionneurs Lorentz dont les aimants permanents sont montés sur le FCE et les bobines mobiles sont attachées au ISPR [International Standard Payload Rack]. Trois assemblages d'accéléromètres, qui incluent d'ailleurs trois accéléromètres chacun, sont aussi montés à l'intérieur du FCE. Ceci permet la détermination des accélérations linéaires et rotationnelles du FCE et permet jusqu'à trois niveaux de redondance (axes X, Y et Z). Il y a quatre diodes électroluminescents montés dans le FCE à l'aide de poutres alignées qui sont dirigés vers quatre Capteurs de position (PSDs) bidimensionnels montées dans le ISPR. Ce procédé permet de localiser la position et l'orientation de l'élément central en fonction du ISPR.


sous-système d'isolation contre les vibrations en microgravité; MVIS : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2003-06-17


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations
  • Research Experiments in Space

The Fluid Science Laboratory(FSL) is a multi-user research capability to study dynamic phenomena of fluid media in the absence of gravitational forces. FSL occupies one ISPR [International Standard Payload Rack]. For facility users, the most significant FSL element is the Facility Core Element that houses the central experiment module, the optical diagnostics module and the standardised Experiment Containers(ECs).... The FSL can be operated in fully automatic or semi-automatic modes by the flight crew, or in a remote-control mode from the ground(telescience).


fluid science laboratory; FSL: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).

  • fluid science lab


  • Stations orbitales
  • Travaux de recherche dans l'espace

Le «Fluid Science Laboratory» (FSL), équipement modulaire pour l'étude des fluides en microgravité [...], peut être commandé par les astronautes, ou de la Terre, grâce à la téléscience. Ajouté au «Materials Science Laboratory», le [FSL fait] partie du programme «Microgravity Facilities for Columbus» (MFC) de l'ESA.


laboratoire sur la science des fluides; FSL : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2003-02-26


Subject field(s)
  • Space Centres
  • Orbital Stations

Advanced Gradient Heating Facility(AGHF)... The AGHF supports the production of advanced semiconductor materials and alloys using the directional solidification process, which depends on establishing a hot side and a cold side in the sample(a temperature gradient). It provides an extremely stable temperature environment of up to 1, 400°C, high-temperature gradients of up to 100°C/cm in the solidification zone, slow movement of the gradient across a sample to provide slow growth rates, efficient cooling through the use of a liquid metal cooling ring attached to the sample container, and Peltier pulse marking capability. The AGHF consists of three modules mounted in one side of a Spacelab double rack : the Core Facility Module contains the processing chamber with the furnace inside; the Electronics Module contains the controls and equipment necessary to operate the furnace; and the Gas Storage Module contains argon for chamber repressurization and sample cooling.


advanced gradient heating facility; AGHF: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Centres spatiaux
  • Stations orbitales

Dans les conditions de microgravité de l'espace, il est possible d'éliminer nombre de ces imperfections produites sous l'effet de la pesanteur. Les chercheurs LMS [Laboratoire de mécanique des fluides] ont produit dans le Four perfectionné à gradient (GHF pour Gradient Heating Facility) des matériaux et des alliages de semiconducteurs de pointe selon la technique de la solidification directionnelle qui repose sur l'établissement d'une portion chaude et d'une portion froide à l'intérieur d'un échantillon (gradient de température).


four à gradient à haute température; AGHF : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 2002-02-05


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations
  • Research Experiments in Space

Three Materials Science Research Racks will be a major portion of the U. S. Laboratory facilities. The European Space Agency will provide the core for the Experiment Module that will occupy the right half of the rack and will house five insert modules. NASA and ESA [European Space Agency] each will provide two inserts, and the German Space Agency(DLR) will provide a fifth. Each of the five inserts will be a furnace to process materials in different ways, such as melting and freezing a sample from one end to the other(directional solidification) or quenching a sample quickly to "freeze" its condition. The German insert will be a special furnace that uses a rotating magnetic field to control flows within the molten samples. The left half of the rack will be occupied for nine months by equipment from NASA's Space Products Development Division, before it is made available to microgravity science researchers. The Experiment Modules and their inserts will be replaceable in orbit, so an entire rack will not have to be returned to Earth. There will be a single experiment module in each rack with the experiment support systems taking the left half of the rack and an Experiment Module taking the right half of the rack.


materials science research rack; MSRR: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).

  • materials science rack
  • material sciences research rack
  • material sciences rack


  • Stations orbitales
  • Travaux de recherche dans l'espace

bâti de recherche en sciences des matériaux; MSRR : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 2002-01-03


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations
  • Research Experiments in Space

The Material Science Laboratory(MSL) offers a multi-user capability to support scientific research in solidification physics, crystal growth with semi-conductors, measurement of thermophysical properties and the physics of liquid states. MSL occupies about half of an ISPR [International Standard Payload Rack] in the US Lab, and one ISPR in the Columbus Laboratory. The two MSL versions are identical except for minor rack interface differences. Each MSL comprises a core element consisting of a sealed process chamber in which interchangeable furnace inserts are hosted. These inserts process the samples. The sample cartridges are manually loaded into one of the furnaces. The furnace can be moved over the sample cartridge to displace the thermal gradients. Diagnostic systems provide scientific data on the facility and sample cartridge during operations. As the furnaces are modular, they can be upgraded or replaced according to utilisation needs. Additional MSL units complete the accommodation and operational interfaces to the laboratory.


The MSL will be developed in two versions: Facility 1, to be accommodated within the US Laboratory Module of the International Space Station; and Facility 2, to be accommodated on board the European Columbus Laboratory. These two facilities are very similar to each other; the main differences being that the US Laboratory version of MSL is accommodated inside the NASA Materials Science Research Rack. This rack is equipped with the Active Rack Isolation System ARIS, which provides a modicum of isolation from microgravity disturbances.


materials sciences laboratory; MSL: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


Materials science laboratory electromagnetic levitator (MSL-EML).

  • material sciences laboratory
  • materials science laboratory


  • Stations orbitales
  • Travaux de recherche dans l'espace

[Le] Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) [est] destiné à l'étude de phénomènes de coagulation en microgravité, des propriétés thermiques et physiques des matériaux et de la croissance des cristaux.


laboratoire de sciences des matériaux; MSL : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Conserver la fiche 8

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