La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

GUIDE CELL [9 fiches]

Fiche 1 2023-03-30


Subject field(s)
  • Diagnostic Procedures (Medicine)
  • Viral Diseases

A test to measure the concentration of a virus RNA or DNA.


Results are reported as the number of copies of HIV RNA per mL of blood plasma. The two types of HIV viral load test are reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and branched chain DNA (bDNA).


The viral load test provides important information that is used in conjunction with the CD4 cell count : to monitor the status of HIV disease, to guide recommendations for therapy, and to predict the future course of HIV.... A viral load test is ordered when a patient is first diagnosed with HIV. The test result functions as a baseline measurement that shows how actively the virus is reproducing and whether treatment is immediately necessary. If and when therapy is started, your doctor should order a viral load test and a CD4 count about two to eight weeks after you start a treatment to evaluate whether therapy is being effective.... If the viral load measurement is high, it indicates that HIV is reproducing and that the disease will likely progress faster than if the viral load is low.


There are several commercialized tests to determine HIV and hepatitis B blood plasma viral load. Viral load in semen plasma is used in the field of medically assisted reproduction when there is a risk for contamination with HIV, HBV [hepatitis B] or HCV [hepatitis C].


Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, plasma viral load test.


  • Méthodes diagnostiques (Médecine)
  • Maladies virales

Mesure de la concentration des copies de l'ARN ou de l'ADN d'un virus.


Le test de la charge virale mesure la quantité d'ARN du VIH dans le plasma. Cette mesure est un indicateur de l'ampleur de la réplication du VIH responsable de la destruction des lymphocytes T CD4 +. Combinée à la mesure de ces derniers, la mesure de la charge virale plasmatique permet d'estimer le risque de progression de l'infection vers le sida ou de décès. Elle permet aussi l'évaluation de l'efficacité des thérapies antirétrovirales.


Il existe des tests commercialisés pour mesurer la charge virale plasmatique du VIH et de l'hépatite B. La mesure de la charge virale dans le plasma séminal est utilisée dans le domaine de la procréation médicalement assistée s'il y a risque de contamination par le VIH ou par le virus de l'hépatite B ou C.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2012-06-01


Subject field(s)
  • Plant Biology
  • Mosses and Related Plants

Often, a row of large, thin-walled cells, referred to as guide cells, or deuters, bisect the costa, extending between the two laminar segments …


  • Biologie végétale
  • Mousses et plantes apparentées

Cellule parenchymateuse associée au tissu conducteur dans les nervures foliaires de certaines mousses.


Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2009-09-16


Subject field(s)
  • Nuclear Fission Reactors

In the fabrication of a nuclear fuel assembly, the fuel rods are loaded into a fuel assembly skeleton. The fuel assembly skeleton consists of the guide thimbles attached to the grids. Each grid cell has springs and dimples which laterally support the fuel rod to be loaded therein.


  • Réacteurs nucléaires de fission


Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2008-11-14


Subject field(s)
  • Titles of Monographs
  • Environmental Management
  • Energy Transformation

Industry Canada.


  • Titres de monographies
  • Gestion environnementale
  • Transformation de l'énergie


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2005-01-11


Subject field(s)
  • Medication

Recent media reports have painted a relentlessly gloomy picture of the status of AIDS drug development. Yet much useful information on treatment emerged at the 10th International Conference on AIDS in Yokohama, Japan(August 7-12, 1994). Encouraging treatment developments presented in Yokohama include the following : Recombinant human growth hormone therapy significantly increases weight gain as represented by fat-free lean body mass among people with AIDS-related wasting. AZT treatment dramatically reduces the rate of HIV transmission from mother to infant. Acyclovir co-treatment with anti-HIV therapy significantly increases survival time among people with AIDS. Oral ganciclovir appears to be an effective primary prophylaxis for cytomegalovirus disease. The protease inhibitor drug saquinavir reduces viral load and increases CD4 cell counts significantly more when used in a triple combination with AZT and ddC compared to 2 double combinations(AZT plus ddC or saquinavir plus AZT). Quantitative polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and branched chain DNA(bDNA) testing for measuring HIV load is expected to become a major new tool to help guide individual treatment decisions and to evaluate anti-HIV therapies in clinical studies.


  • Médicaments

Chaque étape du cycle de réplication du virus est la cible potentielle d'un médicament contre le sida.


[...] l'azidothymidine ou AZT constitue sans aucun doute le plus connu des médicaments du sida.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Medicamentos

Las siglas del síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (sida) se han incorporado al español como un nombre común, por lo cual se escriben en minúsculas.

Conserver la fiche 5

Fiche 6 2003-03-14


Subject field(s)
  • Outfitting of Ships
  • Containers

One of the four upright components making up the guidance system enabling containers to be carried in a vertical column in the ship, each container supporting the one above it; providing horizontal restraint, the cell guides hold the containers in position.


On deck, this system permits loading of up to four tiers of containers without lashings.


  • Armement et gréement
  • Conteneurs


Conserver la fiche 6

Fiche 7 1997-05-14


Subject field(s)
  • Genetics

For gene therapy to realize its clinical potential, there must be efficient and safe strategies of delivering therapeutic genes to somatic cells in vivo. Perhaps this problem simply represents a special case of drug delivery in which the therapeutic gene constitutes the drug. But the relevance of traditional drug development to technological developments in gene therapy is questionable. Recombinant genes that can independently express a therapeutic RNA or protein are extraordinarily large and polar molecules--10, 000 times larger than traditional pharmaceutical agents. Moreover, the administration of genes as therapy requires vehicles--so-called vectors--that encapsulate the gene and guide it to the target cell. The binding of the gene to the cell, its internalization, the transport of the administered genome to the nucleus, and the expression of the gene all constitute potential limitations of this process.


  • Génétique

L'un des aspect essentiels du transfert de gènes à visée thérapeutique est la vectorisation de l'ADN par un transporteur jusqu'à la cellule cible [...] dans la plupart des cas, l'ADN doit être introduit dans la cellule, soit à l'aide d'une technique physique ou chimique fragilisant les membranes cellulaires, soit combiné à un vecteur.


Conserver la fiche 7

Fiche 8 1997-03-20


Subject field(s)
  • Genetics

For gene therapy to realize its clinical potential, there must be efficient and safe strategies of delivering therapeutic genes to somatic cells in vivo. Perhaps this problem simply represents a special case of drug delivery in which the therapeutic gene constitutes the drug. But the relevance of traditional drug development to technological developments in gene therapy is questionable. Recombinant genes that can independently express a therapeutic RNA or protein are extraordinarily large and polar molecules--10, 000 times larger than traditional pharmaceutical agents. Moreover, the administration of genes as therapy requires vehicles--so-called vectors--that encapsulate the gene and guide it to the target cell. The binding of the gene to the cell, its internalization, the transport of the administered genome to the nucleus, and the expression of the gene all constitute potential limitations of this process.


  • Génétique

Mais surtout, à côté de la pathologie, un fantastique domaine s'ouvre au transfert et à la thérapie génique, c'est celui du gène considéré comme médicament. La médecine utilise en effet toute une série de molécules d'origine protéique, comme les facteurs antihémophilliques, l'insuline, l'hormone de croissance, pour ne citer que les plus importantes. Le futur pourrait être la fabrication directe par l'organisme des molécules actives après transfert de gènes dans les cellules permissives. Mieux encore, on pourra vraisemblablement dams l'avenir injecter directement par voie intramusculaire par exemple, l'ADN génique, les cellules de l'organisme se comportant ensuite comme de mini-usines de fabrication et de mini-unités de distribution.


Ceci ne saurait s'effectuer en dehors d'un contexte réglementaire adapté à la complexité des différents niveaux d'intervention que nécessite le transfert de gènes à visée thérapeutique.


Conserver la fiche 8

Fiche 9 1996-05-13


Subject field(s)
  • Analytical Chemistry

A simple arrangement of two cavities in series showed the feasibility of detecting traces of one gas in another. A klystron was used to generate microwave power which was fed through a wave guide to a transmission-type cavity. Another cavity was mounted in series with and tuned to the same frequency as the first; both cavities were identical except that the second had a gas inlet and outlet ports. From this measuring cell, its microwave energy was sent to a crystal detector. By frequency-modulating the klystron with a 50-cps sine wave voltage on the repeller, a burst of energy passes to the detector each time the generator frequency equals that of the cavities. The detector current is amplified and measured with an oscilloscope. At the beginning of the run, the two cavities are filled with the nitrogen carrier gas and, if the composition in one of the cavities is changed, its electrical size will change... causing a decrease of current from the detector.


  • Chimie analytique


Conserver la fiche 9

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