La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2004-01-08


Subject field(s)
  • Injections, Tubing and Transfusions (Medicine)
  • Hormones
  • Reproduction (Medicine)

[The anti-pregnancy vaccine] works by vaccinating against the female pregnancy hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) which is produced by the fertilized egg just after conception. ... The term vaccination is a misnomer. Vaccines against disease work by stimulating and increasing the body's ability to defend itself against a specific germ. ... Pregnancy, however, is not a disease. In effect, the anti-fertility "vaccine" mimics an immunological disorder ...

  • anti pregnancy vaccine
  • anti fertility vaccine
  • anti pregnancy hormone injection


  • Injections, tubages et transfusions (Médecine)
  • Hormones
  • Reproduction (Médecine)

Vaccin fabriqué par stimulation de la production d'anticorps neutralisant une hormone (HCG) [human chorionic gonadotropin : gonadotropine chorionique humaine] produite par le placenta dès les premiers jours de la conception et nécessaire au maintien de la grossesse.


Le terme «vaccin» est impropre dans ce contexte.

  • vaccin anti-grossesse
  • vaccin anti grossesse
  • injection d'hormone anti-grossesse
  • injection d'hormone anti grossesse


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 1999-09-22


Subject field(s)
  • Biotechnology
  • Immunology

Although the aim of the national and international public sector is to conduct research in the general interest of the public, the perception of what exactly is the public interest is controversial. In this Monitor issue, two, both financed by the private and the public sector, endeavours are discussed: the development of anti-fertility vaccines and the Human Genome project. Although she agrees that women are in need of safe and more convenient contraceptive methods, Ute Sprenger states that anti-fertility vaccines jeopardize the health of women and make them dependent on the provider of the vaccine instead of increasing their autonomy over their own fertility. Many share this opinion, as illustrated by the recent call of more than 400 women's health groups from 40 different countries to end anti-fertility vaccine research. Whether the voice of these groups will be taken seriously is doubtful, since many scientists are likely to envisage the problems related to the vaccine only as temporarily and of a technical nature.


  • Biotechnologie
  • Immunologie

La vaccination contre la grossesse peut-elle devenir une méthode contraceptive? Outre les effets secondaires encore mal connus, les vaccins antifécondité présentent le double inconvénient de négliger la volonté et la sécurité des femmes. D'où une vive controverse.


Conserver la fiche 2

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