La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1999-03-16


Subject field(s)
  • Climatology

An interruption of the normal west-to-east flow at middle and high latitudes.


It [blocking pattern] persists from one to several weeks. ... there are three kinds of blocks: ... a high-over-low block in which the flow splits, one branch taking a poleward excursion and the other branch an equatorward excursion. Any traveling storms that approach the block from the west, tend to weaken and go either over the ridge (top of the block) or pass through the trough on the south side. ... An "omega" block so named because the flow about this block resembles the Greek letter "Omega". Cyclonic (counterclockwise) circulations can occur both southwest and southeast of the block (where low pressure is indicated on the diagram), and the weather near them can be stormy. Within the block, however, the weather is benign and warmer than normal. ... A stationary high-amplitude ridge. Such a ridge often forms just off the West Coast of North America in winter. If it persists, it steers Pacific storms far to the north and keeps the weather in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest anomalously dry and mild.


  • Climatologie

[Situation qui résulte de] l'obstruction de la marche normale ouest-est des cyclones et des anticyclones migrateurs.


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