La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-11-24


Subject field(s)
  • Clothing (Military)
  • Modernization of Military Equipment

The SIHS [Soldier's Integrated Headwear System] headborne system should be designed with warfighting in mind; predominantly for high tempo operations ... The highest priority system capability for the headborne system is protection. Chief among these is protection against high and low velocity fragments [and] blast ... Similarly, blast and impulse noise injury to the ears has been identified as important from both a protection and a command and control perspective. The future headborne system also needs to integrate CB [chemical and biological] protection for skin and respiration [and needs to include GPS [global positioning system] and radio antennae on the helmet, as well as any combat [identification] detector technology. For camouflage, ... temperate and hot environments [are] important and ... any future system [needs] to manage light, noise and thermal emissions to avoid detection by the enemy. ... Compatibility with weapons, CB protective equipment, and corrective vision spectacles were seen to be essential for the dismounted rifleman role.


  • Habillement (Militaire)
  • Modernisation du matériel militaire


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