La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2016-12-07


Subject field(s)
  • Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
  • Extinguishing Agents

Device in which the foam compound is added to the water and which can be fitted at any point in the delivery hose.


Equipment designed to induce foam concentrate into a water stream, usually positioned between the pump and the branch pipe. [Definition standardized by ISO.]


in-line inductor: This type of proportioner educts or drafts foam concentrate from a container or tank by venturi action, utilizing the operating pressure of the hose water stream on which it is installed, injecting concentrate into that flow of water.


There are three different types of foam proportioners commonly used in the fire service: line eductors, balanced pressure proportioners, and around-the-pump proportioners. The line eductor is the simplest and least expensive proportioning device. It has no moving parts in the water way, which makes it durable and dependable. The line eductor may be attached to the hoseline or may be part of the nozzle. There are two different types of line eductors: the in-line eductor and the self-educting nozzle. Both types of eductors use the venturi principle to draft foam concentrate into the water stream. As water at high pressure passes over a reduced opening, it creates a low-pressure area near the outlet side of the eductor. This low-pressure area creates a suction effect. The eductor pickup tube is connected to the eductor at this low-pressure point. The pickup tube submerged in the foam concentrate draws concentrate into the water stream, creating a foam water solution.


foam inductor: A piece of equipment that introduces the proper quantity of foaming agent into a water stream.


in-line: Referring to a device or fitting inserted in series with (or parallel to the flow in) a hose line.


in-line foam concentrate inducer: term standardized by ISO.

  • inline eductor
  • inline foam eductor
  • inline proportioner
  • inline foam proportioner
  • inline foam inductor


  • Matériel de secours et de lutte (incendies)
  • Agents extincteurs

Appareil intercalé dans l'établissement des tuyaux de refoulement, dans lequel s'opère le mélange du produit émulsifiant et de l'eau d'extinction.


Équipement conçu pour injecter l'émulseur dans l'eau, généralement placé entre la pompe et l'applicateur. [Définition normalisée par l'ISO.]


injecteur d'émulseur en ligne : terme normalisé par l'ISO.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Equipo de salvamento y lucha contra incendios
  • Agentes extintores
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