La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

LASER-RADAR [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2011-05-31


Subject field(s)
  • Radar, Radio Guidance and Goniometry
  • Lasers and Masers
  • Remote Sensing

An instrument combining a pulsed laser transmitter and optical receiver (usually a telescope) with an electronic signal processing unit used for the detection and ranging of various distant targets in the atmosphere, analogous to the principles of operation of microwave radar.


The lidar technique operates on the same principle as radar; in fact, it is sometimes called laser radar. The principal difference between lidar and radar is the wavelength of the radiation used. Radar uses wavelengths in the radio band whereas lidar uses light, that is usually generated by lasers in modern lidar systems.


There are three basic generic types of lidar: range finders, DIAL, and Doppler lidars. Rande finder lidars are the simplest lidars. They are used to measure the distance from the lidar instrument to a solid or hard target Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) is used to measure chemical concentrations (such as ozone, water vapor, pollutants) in the atmosphere. Doppler lidar is used to measure the velocity of a target High-resolution DEMs with vertical accuracy as good as 10 cm can be created with Lidar. Lidar is also better able to map bare earth elevations in forested or vegetated areas than other methods because only a single laser pulse needs to be able to reach between trees and the ground.


lidar: Coined word for light detection and ranging.

  • laser-radar


  • Radar, radioguidage et radiogoniométrie
  • Masers et lasers
  • Télédétection

Combinaison d'un laser et d'un récepteur accolés, destinée à étudier les échos produits par les particules de l'atmosphère sur des ondes visibles ou infrarouges.


La détection se fait par des cellules optiques suivies de photomultiplicateurs.


Le lidar sert également à la localisation et à la poursuite télémétrique d'engins dans le ciel.


lidar : acronyme dérivé du terme anglais «light detection and ranging» qui veut dire «détection et télémétrie par ondes lumineuses».

  • radar laser
  • laser-radar
  • laser radar


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Guía radárica, radioguía y radiogoniometría
  • Láser y máser
  • Teledetección

Aparato de detección y localización por ondas luminosas.

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