La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1997-05-15


Subject field(s)
  • General Vocabulary
  • Electronic Music

What you need in order to access on-line music distribution services: To get to the Internet Underground Music Archive (IUMA) RockNet, Kaleidospace and metaverse.com, you'll be best off with full Internet access, and a sound card that gives your computer audio-capability, unless you own a Macintosh, which already has sound capacity built in. If you have full Internet access, connect to the World Wide Web (WWW). The quickest way to each service is to use your favorite WWW browser. With the more-powerful Mosaic browser, you can listen to the music on-line, but you need a very powerful computer. Point you browser at the following Universal Resource Locators (URL): IUMA, RockNet, Kaleisdospace, metaverse. com. The home page of each site usually has a how-to guide. If your system doesn't allow WWW access, but lets you use gopher (like Concordia University's Pavo system), go to your main command prompt, and type in gopher URI. for site. Once at the site, you will have to download the sound files to your Internet system, or directly to your PC (assuming you use a terminal server.)


Yet there are limits to the technology as it now exists. Even with a high-speed modem and the necessary sound card, a three- or four-minute song can take anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours to download. It can also use up a large amount of computer storage space.

  • online music store
  • online music service
  • online music distribution


  • Vocabulaire général
  • Musique électronique

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