La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2010-03-23


Subject field(s)
  • Architectural Drafting and Tools
  • Industrial Design

A drawing which is produced on a transparent medium and thus can be copied together with other drawings related to the same subject and at the same scale. [Definition standardized by ISO.]


Teamwork in design is therefore maintained by a to and from relation between the individual and the common. The method of overlay diagramming or drafting has been developed for sometime in design practice. Woods and Poowell have documented the method and recommended it as a standard team practice ... In general, we can point out that the overlay method is used to enable collaborative design practice in the following aspects: overlay diagram construction: A participant can construct diagrams on top of extracted common images which may contain parts of diagrams drawn by other designers ...


overlay drawing: term standardized by ISO.

  • overlay draughting


  • Dessin architectural et instruments
  • Dessin industriel

Dessin produit sur un support transparent et pouvant donc être copié en même temps que d'autres dessins relatifs au même sujet et exécutés à la même échelle. [Définition normalisée par l'ISO.]


dessin superposé : terme normalisé par l'ISO.

  • dessin sur pelllicule de superposition


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