La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-02-21


Subject field(s)
  • Tectonics

A rollover anticline is directly the result of faulting. The idea is that an extensional fault ... can form with a non-smooth shape ... New sediments are deposited on the downthrown block as the fault moves. They are originally deposited as flat-lying units (zero dip). As they displace downwards, they maintain a constant angle of inclination relative to the fault dip. If the fault surface becomes less steep ... with depth, the beds become increasingly tilted (to keep the same angle between fault surface and bedding surface). ... The tilting produced by the fault ... causes the beds to dip in the opposite direction ... towards the basin margin. The reversal of dip makes an anticline.


rollover: The down-warping of the hanging wall block along a lystric fault, which occurs when a space opens next to the fault. The resulting structure is usually called a "rollover anticline."


Some petroleum traps ... form in "roll-over" anticlines on the down-faulted block.


rollover anticline: term used at Natural Resources Canada - Earth Sciences Sector.


  • Tectonique

rebroussement : Inflexion du pendage des couches le long d'un contact anormal, susceptible d'indiquer la direction et le sens du mouvement.


anticlinal de compensation; anticlinal de rebroussement : termes en usage à Ressources naturelles Canada - Secteur des sciences de la Terre.


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