La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2010-09-15


Subject field(s)
  • Biological Sciences

Triggered conformational changes ... are the motions of groups of atoms (i.e. individual side-chains) or whole sections of a protein (i.e. loops of chain, domains of secondary and tertiary structure, or subunit), which occur as a response to a specific stimulus. The distance moved can be as much as 10 [angstrom unit] or more. The time scale can be estimated by studies of the rate of binding or turnover reactions. The energy for triggered conformational change comes from specific interactions, such as electrostatic attractions or hydrogen bonding interactions. The best-known example of a triggered conformational change is the transition in tertiary structure that occurs when ligands bind to the iron atoms of hemoglobin.


The types of substances whose binding can trigger a specific conformational change include substrates (dihydroxyacetone phosphate in triose phosphate isomerase), coenzymes (NAD binding to lactate dehydrogenase), allosteric effectors (CTP and ATP in aspartic transcarbamylase), inhibitors (statine-containing polypeptide inhibitors of acid proteases) and even protons (the Bohr effect in hemoglobin; pH-dependent conformational changes in adenylate kinase).


  • Sciences biologiques

Modification de la conformation des protéines provoquée par la fixation de ligands à leur surface. Parmi ces ligands, notons les substrats, activateurs, inhibiteurs et coenzymes.


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