La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2010-04-30


Subject field(s)
  • Weather Stations and Meteorological Instruments and Equipment

A tipping bucket rain gage consists of a funnel and a rocker mechanism with two little "buckets" on it, located underneath the funnel. When rain falls into the funnel, it fills one of the little buckets on the rocker mechanism. Once a given amount of rain falls into the funnel, usually 0.01 inches, the rocker "tips" over, emptying one of the buckets and moving the other one underneath the funnel. A recorder in the gage records each tip and the time it occurred. The tipping bucket gage has its disadvantages, however. It cannot be used in freezing weather because the mechanism or the funnel hole can freeze solid. Sometimes the tipper mechanism doesn't work or double tips.


Weighing Gage. This type of gage consists of an antifreeze-filled collection bucket mounted on top of a scale. As rain, snow, hail, or any type of precipitation falls into the collecting bucket, the bucket becomes heavier. The antifreeze is there to allow the liquid content for frozen precipitation to be measured. Every few minutes, a recorder attached to the scale records the weight of the bucket contents. Since the size of the bucket, the weight of antifreeze, and the density of water are known, a precipitation amount can be measured from the weight of the bucket.

  • weighing and tipping bucket gage


  • Stations, instruments et équipements météorologiques

[Pluviographe à augets basculants] couplé à un dispositif de pesée qui pèse l'auget pendant son remplissage.


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