La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

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Fiche 1 2016-02-26


Subject field(s)
  • Mining Dangers and Mine Safety
  • Underground Mining

The sudden failure of walls or pillars in a mine caused by the weight or pressure of the surrounding rocks, and accompanied by a violent release of energy.


Rock bursts. In areas of very deep mining, as additional weight is supported by the pillars on the coal face, stresses may so build up that the yield point is reached. If the coal pillars, the roof, or the floor are able to yield gradually, the effects of the stresses are relieved by floor heaving, or by pillar or roof failure. Where the coal or the associated rocks are particularly strong and depths are much above average, these stresses may be relieved by rock bursts, which are relatively violent outbursts of the coal into the rooms and entries. Frequently, a large volume of gas (usually methane) is suddenly released during a rock burst in a coal mine.


for "coal burst" : Rock bursts and "coal bursts" in coal mines are generally designated by the term "bumps" or "bounces". A large proportion of these "bumps" or "bounces" are actually "coal bursts" due to fracturing of pillars and remnants and need not involve any fracturing of roof or floor rock.


for "air blast" : In former years rock bursts were sometimes referred to as "air blasts". This name originated from the fact that large quantities of rock loosened by some of the larger rock bursts displaced quantities of air, with the result that a blast of air passed through the mine workings.


  • Exploitation minière (dangers et sécurité)
  • Exploitation minière souterraine

[...] dislocation des piliers de charbon soutenant le toit, avec projections de charbon et parfois soulèvement du mur, plus tendre, jusqu'à venir toucher le toit.


[Le coup de toit peut] mettre en danger l'outillage et le personnel.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Explotación minera (peligros y seguridad)
  • Explotación minera subterránea
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