La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1993-08-30


Subject field(s)
  • Gasifiers
  • Energy Transformation
  • Biomass Energy

... charcoal processes .... the Lambiotte continuous carbonization process is related to the multi-stage type reactor .... Wood is fed continuously through a vertical cylinder into a retort. There, it undergoes three different treatments, moving slowly down to the bottom of the retort. In the first, it is dried, in the second, the charcoal process takes place, and in the third, charcoal is cooled. For the drying stage, pyroligneous gases are removed from the carbonization zone and fanned to the drying zone where they burn with a controlled supply of air. For the cooling stage, gases are removed from under the carbonization stage, where tars have been cracked, and reinjected at the bottom of the retort after having crossed a water cooled system. The sufficiently cooled charcoal is extracted from the bottom of the retort.


  • Gazogènes
  • Transformation de l'énergie
  • Énergie de la biomasse

Four Lambiotte : Appareil pour la distillation du bois avec récupération de l'acide acétique et des méthylènes.


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