La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1994-06-28


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuing Education

Mixed-initiative dialogue is one of the most distinguished aspects of ICAI programs; it refers to the capability for the student to ask a question and hence participate in a two-way interaction with the program. This contrasts with the typical one-way interaction (program presents question/problem, student responds) of conventional CAI. The net result of a mixed-initiative dialogue program is to produce a highly interactive instructional session much like the conversation between a good teacher and a motivated student (i.e. the Socratic method).


Some systems monitor the student's activity very closely, adapting their actions to the student's responses but never relinquishing control. In mixed-initiative dialogues, the control is shared by the student and the system as they exchange questions and answers. The system must be able to respond to the student, but it can also ask questions whose answers help it understand what the student is trying to do, or what he knows.


... a mixed-initiative dialogue between student and computer is possible with questions and answers from both sides.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Éducation permanente

Dialogue homme-machine dans lequel le contrôle passe de l'ordinateur à l'utilisateur et vice-versa.


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Fiche 2 1986-04-10


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence

The Japanese expect that, by the end of the ten-year period, their prototype machines will be able to accept continuous human speech and will contain vocabularies of fifty thousand words .... The machines will be able to carry on question-and-answer conversations with humans.


  • Intelligence artificielle


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