La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

ETAT ASSOCIE [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 1997-01-23


Subject field(s)
  • International Public Law

.... defence of Canada or any state allied or associated with Canada ....


  • Droit international public

[...] défense du Canada ou d'États alliés ou associés avec le Canada [...]


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Fiche 2 1997-01-22


Subject field(s)
  • International Public Law

The Constitution of the Fourth Republic created ... the French Union, comprising metropolitan France and the Overseas Departments and Territories on the one hand, and on the other the Associated Territories and States, each of which defined its relationship with France in a particular manner. The organs of the Union were: the Presidency, occupied ex officio by the President of the French Republic; the High Council, presided over by the President and composed of delegates from France and each Associated State, whose function was to assist the government in the general conduct of the affairs of the Union; and an Assembly composed half of representatives of metropolitan France and half of members representing the Overseas Departments and Territories and the Associated States, these being elected by the respective Assemblies.

  • associated state


  • Droit international public

Expression parfois employée pour désigner l'ensemble des États groupés dans une Union internationale en vue de marquer ainsi que le lien conventionnel qui les unit, les groupe d'une manière particulièrement étroite.

  • état associé


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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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