La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2016-12-21


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Law
  • Industrial Techniques and Processes

... the term "state of technology" (a standard term used in licences) is a dynamic concept and both the availability and the economic feasibility of the technology become issues. Dr. Rainer HAMM (Rechtsanwalt) (defence attorney) commented that there is a sensitive major tax on waste water. Those who have a licence to use a river to pollute have to pay a fee depending on the degree of pollution. The waste water effluent fees are quite effective to minimize pollution. ... Large corporations also have high incentive to develop technology. It is they who develop technology. While universities can and do develop standards, they cannot build technology and compare standards. That can only be done by industry itself. Thus it is the industry which makes the law by defining the standards of technology. They are motivated to do so by the new device, popular in the United States, known as "technology forcing." Dr. HAMM was however sceptical of using criminal law to pursue dynamic concepts. If you include a state of technology that can change any time and then punish someone for not having fulfilled the state of technology, then you blur the distinction between what is criminal and what is not criminal.


... technology forcing (i.e. development of more cost-effective approaches in response to regulations); ...


technology forcing: This expression (hyphenated) is also used as an adjective, as in "technology-forcing emission limits," "technology-forcing regulations," "technology-forcing standards."


  • Droit environnemental
  • Techniques industrielles

[...] forçage de la technologie (c.-à-d. élaboration d'approches plus rentables en réaction aux règlements); [...]


Les exigences fédérales américaines sont en place depuis 1998. Par conséquent, la reformulation des produits permettant de se conformer aux limites de contenu ne devrait pas constituer un forçage technologique.


forçage : Le fait de soumettre (quelqu'un) à une pression, à une contrainte.


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