La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2002-11-06


Subject field(s)
  • Transport of Oil and Natural Gas
  • Long-Distance Pipelines
  • Gas Industry

The construction of the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline is one of the most promising projects carried out as part of the Maghreb-Europe partnership. This project is considered as a physical link between the Maghreb and Europe pending the fixed link between Tangiers and the Rock of Gibraltar. The Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline which was dedicated on November 8, 1996 will link the Hass R'mel field in Algeria with Cordoba, in Andalusia through Morocco. It will service in a first stage the Spanish, Portuguese and Moroccan markets, then the French and German ones with an expected increase by 2000. It will supply 1,500 million cubic meters of gas to Morocco.


In 1996 the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline, a huge transnational energy infrastructure, entered into operation, configuring a new route for natural gas from the Algerian gas fields to the European markets. The pipeline, of around 1,400 km in length and 48 inches in diameter, connects the Hassi R'Mel deposits to the Spanish gas pipeline network in Cordoba. The gas pipeline is 48 inches in diameter in its 530 km course through Algeria, 540 km through Morocco and the 45 km stretch through the Straits of Gibraltar in which there are two lines of 22 inches in diameter each.


  • Transport du pétrole et du gaz naturel
  • Canalisations à grande distance
  • Industrie du gaz

L'Algérie veut conquérir 15 % du marché européen du gaz grâce à un second gazoduc d'un coût de 2,3 milliards de dollars à travers la Méditerranée, inauguré samedi à Hassi R'Mel, dans le Sahara. Le gazoduc Maghreb-Europe (GME) va alimenter l'Espagne, puis le Portugal dès l'année prochaine. Son extension est prévue vers l'Allemagne et la France. [Le web de l'Humanité, 11 novembre 1996]


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