La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1995-03-06


Subject field(s)
  • Computer Graphics

A conventional animation is created in a fairly fixed sequence: The story for the animation is written (or perhaps merely conceived), then a storyboard is laid out. ... Next, the soundtrack (if any) is recorded, a detailed layout is produced (with a drawing for every scene in the animation), and the soundtrack is read - that is, the instants at which significant sounds occur are recorded in order. The detailed layout and the soundtrack are then correlated. Next, certain key frames of the animation are drawn - these are the frames in which the entities being animated are at extreme or characteristic positions, from which their intermediate position can be inferred. The intermediate frames are then filled in (this is called inbetweening), and a trial film is made (a pencil test) ... Many stages of conventional animation seem ideally suited to computer assistance, especially inbetweening and coloring, which can be done using the seed-fill techniques. ... Before the computer can be used, however, the drawings must be digitized. This can be done by using optical scanning, by tracing the drawings with a data tablet, or by producing the original drawings with a drawing program in the first place. The drawings may need to be postprocessed (e.g., filtered) to clean up any glitches arising from the input process (especially optical scanning), and to smooth the contours somewhat. The composition stage, in which foreground and background figures are combined to generate the individual frames for the final animation, can be done with the image-composition techniques. ...


  • Infographie

En animation par ordinateur, image calculée par le programme d'animation en fonction du déplacement effectif.


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