La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2005-02-02


Subject field(s)
  • Animal Diseases
  • Horse Husbandry

Common acute or chronic inflammation of the joint capsule of the carpus and the associated structures in horses.


Some confusion exists regarding the terms carpitis and osselets; therefore, a definition is appropriate. Carpitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the carpal joint that may involve the fibrous joint capsule, synovial membrane, associated ligaments, and bones of the carpus ... Osselets has been defined as a traumatic arthritis of the metacarpophalangeal joint. It is more appropriate to restrict the term osselets to describe the thickening associated with synovitis and capsulitis of the fibrous joint capsule at the dorsal aspect of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Ossification can develop as a chronic change.


Knee spavin - Bony growth at back of knee on inner side.


"Popped knees" is a layman's term used to describe enlargement in the front of the carpal joints of a horse. The knees look like they have "popped out."


The acute form is common in Thoroughbreds in training. Carpitis is usually attributed to concussion from hard training, especially in immature and unfit horses. Injury to the dorsal aspect of the carpus is a common cause, especially in hunters and jumpers.


There is pain and swelling and there may be exostoses in chronic cases.


  • Maladies des animaux
  • Élevage des chevaux

Inflammation du carpe impliquant les os, et/ou la capsule articulaire et/ou les ligaments.


Environ un tiers des animaux infectés étaient atteints de carpite chronique progressive (genou enflé) et, pour cette raison, il fallait abattre, chaque année, cinq à dix pour cent du cheptel caprin suisse.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Enfermedades de los animales
  • Cría de ganado caballar

Antiinflamatorio: Reduce la inflamación y el dolor en los problemas osteomusculares de los animales domésticos especialmente en el caballo tales como artritis, bursitis, carpitis, periostitis, tendonitis, sinovitis, espondilitis, miositis y en general cualquier traumatismo producido por golpes o caidas.

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