La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1995-02-21


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric Physics

Microbursts result as a strong downflow bursts from a parent cloud and strike the Earth's surface at an angle (usually) off-the-vertical. The air striking the Earth flows out from the centre (called an "outflow") at speeds which depend on the downflow speed and striking angle. As the outflowing air undercuts the surface air, a vertical roll begins to develop that eventually encircles the downflow centre as a horizontal vortex ring.


Figure 7.5.10. Outflow microbursts are the most commonly observed type of microbursts. Some rotor microbursts develop inside macrobursts behind their gust fronts.


Figure 7.5.10 illustrates the general circulation for the outflow microburst where the downflow is completely encircled by the horizontal vortex; and the rotor microburst which does not form a continuous circular horizontal vortex, or may be part of a macroburst or a break-away from a ring vortex.


  • Physique de l'atmosphère


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