La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2004-06-08


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

The Leonardo Multipurpose Logistics Module, which was built by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), is the first of three such pressurized modules that will serve as the International Space Station's "moving vans," carrying laboratory racks filled with equipment, experiments and supplies to and from the Station aboard the Space Shuttle. The unpiloted, reusable logistics modules function as both a cargo carrier and a Space Station module when they are flown. Mounted in the Space Shuttle's cargo bay for launch and landing, they are berthed to the Station using the shuttle's robotic arm after the shuttle has docked. While berthed to the Station, racks of equipment are unloaded from the module and then old racks and equipment may be reloaded to be taken back to Earth. The logistics module is then detached from the Station and positioned back into the Shuttle's cargo bay for the trip home. When in the cargo bay, the cargo module is independent of the Shuttle cabin, and there is no passageway for Shuttle crewmembers to travel from the Shuttle cabin to the module. In order to function as an attached Station module as well as a cargo transport, the logistics modules also include components that provide some life support, fire detection and suppression, electrical distribution and computer functions. Eventually, the modules also will carry refrigerator freezers for transporting experiment samples and food to and from the station.


When the International Space Station (ISS) was redesigned again in 1993, NASA & the Italian Space Agency decided to expand the original Mini-Pressurized Logistics Module design. The new MultiPurpose Logistics Module is twice as long and an carry up to 9000kg of cargo to ISS. ... The module carries up to sixteen refrigerator-sized (203 x 105cm) payload racks, five of which may contain refrigerators/freezers. Other so-called "EXPRESS Racks" can be outfitted with lockers for small experiments. Additional cargo can be carried in center aisle stowage containers.


multi-purpose logistics module; MPLM: term and abbreviation officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).

  • multi purpose logistics module


  • Stations orbitales

Le MPLM [Multi-Purpose Logistics Module] est un module pressurisé doté d'un système de soutien-vie interne sophistiqué, à l'intérieur duquel les astronautes peuvent travailler. Il est le seul module pouvant livrer à la Station des expériences dans leurs bâtis spéciaux venant s'intégrer aux laboratoires de l'ISS [International Space Station]. Il sert aussi de «fourgonnette» à l'aller comme au retour, transportant d'autres équipements et fournitures, et reste attaché à la Station pendant son déchargement et son chargement.


L'Italian Multi-Purpose Laboratory Modules (MPLMs) est un élément construit sur le modèle du COF [Colombus Orbital Facility] européen et abritera l6 emplacements normalisés aptes à recevoir des charges italiennes, européennes ou américaines.


module logistique italien; MPLM : terme et abréviation uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


Module logistique polyvalent Donatello, Raffaello.


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