La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2003-06-23


Subject field(s)
  • Astrophysics and Cosmography
  • Facilities and Instruments (Astronomy)

Planning of a multi-spectral auroral imaging observatory (AURIO) has been on its way for some years now in the ESA Programme (Stadsnes et al. 1987). In 1990 ESA selected AURIO together with an advanced particle and fields observatory, APAFO, to constitute the Space Science Elements in the Polar Platform Programme, but without accommodating these experiments on the first mission called ENVISAT-1. As of today it is not yet clear when AURIO will be flown. AURIO would provide images of the aurora in the IR, visible and UV-range, and of the X-ray aurora (from few keV to >100 keV) with much better spatial and temporal resolution than yet obtained. Together with the in-situ particle and fields measurements, this would enable studies of fine and medium-scale coupling processes between the magnetosphere and the upper atmosphere.


  • Astrophysique et cosmographie
  • Installations et instruments (Astronomie)


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