La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

PECHE APPAT [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2022-06-27


Subject field(s)
  • Collaboration with the FAO
  • Commercial Fishing
  • Hunting and Sport Fishing

[Thirty-seven percent] of the commercial fishers surveyed reported collaborating with fishers other than their own crew when catching bait, and the owner of the vessel used is the person that is responsible for reporting the catch. This highlights an important social aspect of the bait fishery that is missing from official catch records.

  • bait fish fishery


  • Collaboration avec la FAO
  • Pêche commerciale
  • Chasse et pêche sportive


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Fiche 2 2022-06-27


Subject field(s)
  • Collaboration with the FAO
  • Commercial Fishing
  • Hunting and Sport Fishing

Small fishes are an important link in the food chain, but are exploited by commercial and recreational fishers for bait. ... bait fishing and bait use practices [by commercial and recreational fishers were examined]. ... Most catch some bait themselves but also purchase bait from other fishers and retailers. ... Most recreational fishers ... catch at least some bait themselves, and [some] expressed interest in purchasing chum [salmon scrap] alternatives.


  • Collaboration avec la FAO
  • Pêche commerciale
  • Chasse et pêche sportive


Conserver la fiche 2

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© Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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