La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1991-10-08


Subject field(s)
  • Neology and Linguistic Borrowing

One who seeks to invest in property that has dropped to bottom prices and waits for a market rebound to make a profit through lease or sale.


Bottom-fishers such as Russo and Mendik seek to divine when the market has hit its low point, so they can buy, and when it is well on the way toward recovery, so they can sell or boost rents.


The term "bottom-fisher" is formed by changing the suffix in the term "bottom-fishing" from "ing" to "er". Since the suffix "er" means "one that does or performs" (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1989), a "bottom-fisher" does fishing at or near the bottom of the sea or river (bottom-fishing). In the field of real estate, "bottom-fisher" is used in a figurative sense to convey the image of a person fishing for bargains near the bottom of the market.


  • Néologie et emprunts

Nous proposons le terme «pêcheur à la ligne de fond» puisque «bottom-fishing» se rend en français par «pêche à la ligne de fond».


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