La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1999-02-01


Subject field(s)
  • Flight Controls (Aeroindustry)

Even when the designer has settled the size and angle of the tail plane, the force which it will experience will be outside the control of the pilot, and although they may automatically compensate for such things as changes in pitching moment on the main planes, they cannot possibly deal with changes of weight such as are caused by the dropping of bombs, consumption of fuel, and changes in the disposition of passengers and cargo. For this reason the adjustable tail plane was introduced, this being operated by an actuating gear and controlled by a wheel or lever in the pilot's cockpit. This enabled the pilot to alter the angle of setting of the tail plane during flight and so cause downward or upward forces upon it at will, thus balancing the aeroplane under all conditions.


adjustable(-incidence) tailplane: terms standardized by ISO.


  • Commandes de vol (Constructions aéronautiques)

stabilisateur réglable : terme normalisé par l'ISO et uniformisé par le CUTA opérations aériennes.


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