La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1977-07-08


Subject field(s)
  • Paleontology

[Bivalves of the family Pleuromyidae have a] shell of medium size, equivalve, oval, oblong or trapeziform, moderately to strongly inflated, with [a] narrow or moderately wide posterior gape; umbones [are] situated within [the] anterior half and usually well toward [the] anterior end of [the] shell, broadly rounded, not strongly protruding; [there are] no demarcated dorsal areas; no true hinge teeth; [the] main part of [the] ligament [is] external, opisthodetic, with short supporting nymphs; below and slightly anterior to the beak of each valve is [a] short, rounded protuberance of [the margin], slightly hollowed out above, and behind [the] protuberance is [a] small niche; [the] protuberance of RV fits above that of the left, a small internal ligament possibly occupying the space between them; [the] postero-dorsal margin of RV (...) [overlaps] that of LV; [the] pallial sinus [is] deep; [the] ostracum [is] thin, probably originally nacreous internally. [The] surface [is] with or without concentric ribbing and with a delicate ornament of radial rows of minute pustules. "Trias. - L. Cret".


  • Paléontologie

[Les Lamellibranches de la famille des Pleuromyidae ont une] coquille mince, inéquilatérale, lisse ou ornée de fines granulations disposées en rangées concentriques, bâillante en avant et en arrière; [une] charnière sans dents mais avec une protubérance sous le crochet; [un] ligament en partie interne; [et un] sinus palléal.


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